I changed from one OS to another and I was missing a simple feature: automatic password generation. To fill the gap with a Scheme I implemented such a generator as a command line tool respectively /crypto sweet/.

After having read /SRFI 27: Sources of Random Bits/ I decided to implement my algorithm natively with /Guile 1.8/ and /Racket 6.1/. There is some portability of simple RnRS System Scheme programs: right now it seems that the "heritage" of the Scheme Shell (/scsh/) grants portability across UNIX/POSIX/SUS systems.

Even when it comes to true randomness as perhaps generated by the noise in the low order magnitudes/bits of hardware sensors which is enhanced and accessible with the file system device entry "/dev/urandom" this simple System Scheme Script remains portable. Accessing entropy pools on other systems should be as easy - perhaps with the foreign function interface.

With real entropy pools the need for the interface described by SRFI 27 vanishes almost completely. It's still a good idea to seed some randomizing function with real entropy before using it but randomizing functions do IMHO not constitute a domain of their own whereas SRFI 27 declares them to be.

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#lang racket

;; mti's Crypto Sweet: Human Typable Shared Secret (System Scheme)
;; (make-passwd.scm)
;; Functional Programming seemed to be orthogonal to system
;; programming where data is passed in /pipelines/ and similar
;; concepts.
;; This software is in the Public Domain as granted by the original
;; author.
;; This implementation creates a human typable shared secret
;; especially for protecting online accounts and it should be in
;; conjunction with keychains or password managers. It is defined to
;; not use certain special characters which are known to be difficult
;; to find if the keyboard layout in software doesn't match the actual
;; inscriptions on the keys. It is designed to be usable with
;; secondary backups. Its shared secrets have the property of being
;; hard (but not impossible) to communicate by oral speech. They are
;; also hard to memorize especially when you can look at them only for
;; a short time. There might be other algorithms based on the
;; knowledge of the syllable structure of common western (and perhaps
;; other) languages that could produce secure /master passwords/ not
;; be held within keychains and password managers.
;; The magnitude of the space of distinct shared secrets is high
;; enough to be considered secure with current authentication routines
;; in use on the Internet. For the original implementation with 65
;; characters and 12 positions it should be: (expt 65 12) which is
;; greater than
;;   (expt 64 12) => (expt (expt 2 6) 12) => (expt 2 72)
;; You can improve it by adding your own preferred special
;; characters. TODO: It should take a command line argument
;; representing the length of the desired shared secret.
;; Please consider changing the shared secrets (Soup of Letters) to
;; your needs: sometimes they force you to use special characters in
;; passwords although real randomness - as employed by this
;; implementation - allows shared secrets without them. Do not change
;; this implementation but add the needed characters to the final
;; shared secret yourself at some random position. A further useful
;; adaption would be insert spaces but beware that they might be
;; difficult to read on secondary backups.

;; No abbreviations here: I want to see the characters.
(define *characters*
  (append (string->list "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
          (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
          (string->list "1234567890")
          (string->list "!,.")))
(define *number-of-characters* (length *characters*))
(define *length-of-password* 12)

(display "make-passwd: number-of-characters: ")
(display *number-of-characters*)
(display "; shared secret size: ")
(display *length-of-password*)

(define (throw-dices randomness-port)
  (let throw-dices ((n *length-of-password*))
    (if (<= n 0)
        (cons (read-char randomness-port)
              (throw-dices (- n 1))) )))
;(define dices->seed list->string)
;; XXXrnrs-port: racket algorithm/datagraph artifact
(define dices->seed (lambda (dices) (map char->integer dices)))

(display "make-passwd: Throwing Dices")
(define randomness-device "/dev/urandom") ; should be non-blocking pool access
;; /call-with-input-file/ opens the input device in text mode but see
;; the description of binary mode: no difference on UNIX systems.  If
;; this changes perhaps due to Unicode system libraries we might get a
;; bias into our random data but as we use the dices only as the seed
;; for the randomizer we might get away with it. Please check your
;; system's source code for further information.
(define my-dices (call-with-input-file randomness-device
(display " => the seeds have been thrown: #")
(display (length my-dices))

(define (get-new-state)
  (if (null? my-dices)
    (display "make-passwd: Oh dear, we failed! --")
    (let ((dice (car my-dices)))
      (set! my-dices (cdr my-dices))
      (dices->seed (list dice)) )))
(define (x n)
  "This procedure is undocumented."
  (if (<= n 0)
        (random-seed (car (get-new-state)))
        (cons (random *number-of-characters*)
              (x (- n 1)))) ))
(define (soup n)
  (map (lambda (index)
         (list-ref *characters* index))
       (x n)))

(define (make-passwd)
  (display "Soup of Letters: ")
  (display (list->string (soup 12)))

#!/usr/bin/guile -s

;; mti's Crypto Sweet: Human Typable Shared Secret (System Scheme)
;; (make-passwd.scm)
;; Functional Programming seemed to be orthogonal to system
;; programming where data is passed in /pipelines/ and similar
;; concepts.
;; This software is in the Public Domain as granted by the original
;; author.
;; This implementation creates a human typable shared secret
;; especially for protecting online accounts and it should be in
;; conjunction with keychains or password managers. It is defined to
;; not use certain special characters which are known to be difficult
;; to find if the keyboard layout in software doesn't match the actual
;; inscriptions on the keys. It is designed to be usable with
;; secondary backups. Its shared secrets have the property of being
;; hard (but not impossible) to communicate by oral speech. They are
;; also hard to memorize especially when you can look at them only for
;; a short time. There might be other algorithms based on the
;; knowledge of the syllable structure of common western (and perhaps
;; other) languages that could produce secure /master passwords/ not
;; be held within keychains and password managers.
;; The magnitude of the space of distinct shared secrets is high
;; enough to be considered secure with current authentication routines
;; in use on the Internet. For the original implementation with 65
;; characters and 12 positions it should be: (expt 65 12) which is
;; greater than
;;   (expt 64 12) => (expt (expt 2 6) 12) => (expt 2 72)
;; You can improve it by adding your own preferred special
;; characters. TODO: It should take a command line argument
;; representing the length of the desired shared secret.
;; Please consider changing the shared secrets (Soup of Letters) to
;; your needs: sometimes they force you to use special characters in
;; passwords although real randomness - as employed by this
;; implementation - allows shared secrets without them. Do not change
;; this implementation but add the needed characters to the final
;; shared secret yourself at some random position. A further useful
;; adaption would be insert spaces but beware that they might be
;; difficult to read on secondary backups.

;; No abbreviations here: I want to see the characters.
(define *characters*
  (append (string->list "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
          (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
          (string->list "1234567890")
          (string->list "!,.")))
(define *number-of-characters* (length *characters*))
(define *length-of-password* 12)

(display "make-passwd: number-of-characters: ")
(display *number-of-characters*)
(display "; shared secret size: ")
(display *length-of-password*)

(define (throw-dices randomness-port)
  (let throw-dices ((n *length-of-password*))
    (if (<= n 0)
        (cons (read-char randomness-port)
              (throw-dices (- n 1))) )))
(define dices->seed list->string)

(display "make-passwd: Throwing Dices")
(define randomness-device "/dev/urandom") ; should be non-blocking pool access
;; /call-with-input-file/ opens the input device in text mode but see
;; the description of binary mode: no difference on UNIX systems.  If
;; this changes perhaps due to Unicode system libraries we might get a
;; bias into our random data but as we use the dices only as the seed
;; for the randomizer we might get away with it. Please check your
;; system's source code for further information.
(define my-dices (call-with-input-file randomness-device
(display " => the seeds have been thrown: #")
(display (length my-dices))

(define (get-new-state)
  (if (null? my-dices)
    (display "make-passwd: Oh dear, we failed! --")
    (let ((dice (car my-dices)))
      (set! my-dices (cdr my-dices))
      (seed->random-state (dices->seed (list dice))) )))
(define (x n)
  "This procedure is undocumented."
  (if (<= n 0)
      (cons (random *number-of-characters* (get-new-state))
            (x (- n 1))) ))
(define (soup n)
  (map (lambda (index)
         (list-ref *characters* index))
       (x n)))

(define (make-passwd)
  (display "Soup of Letters: ")
  (display (list->string (soup 12)))


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