TLDR; How to store use HTTP cookies across multiple requests in an HTTP client?
I'm trying to fetch a URL and, say, print the cookies it sets.

Fetching a URL is easily done with `call/input-url`, however it doesn't handle 
HTTP response headers (incl. cookies).
There are `http-conn-open`, `http-conn-send!` and `http-conn-recv!` which, 
happily, let one do all sorts of stuff with HTTP request/response headers.  
Trying to combine them[1] with net-cookies[2], nothing gets set in the cookie 
jar[3].  I tried printing all HTTP response headers to check for cookies but 
there were no "Set-Cookie" headers.

So, what am I doing wrong here? I'd appreciate any hint/help on this.

    (let [(conn (http-conn-open SOME_URL #:ssl? #t))]
        (http-conn-send! conn SOME_URI
                         #:method #"POST"
                         #:data post-data)
        (let-values ([(status-line header-list inport) (http-conn-recv! conn)])
           (map (λ (x)
                  ;;; I have a feeling this could have been done better.
                  (let [(hs (string-split (bytes->string/latin-1 x) ":"))]
                    (cons (string->bytes/latin-1 (first hs))
                          (string->bytes/latin-1 (second hs)))))
           (string->url SOME_URL))))

[3] (cookie-header SOME-URL) => #f

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