On 07/03/2015 12:32 PM, John Carmack wrote:
I am using a “cmd-name!” naming format for functions that are adding to
the command list that will be communicated to the host program.

(cmd-sound! WAV-FILE)

(cmd-set-position! pos yaw-radians)


I am considering using a terser naming convention, perhaps “@name”, so
you would have:

(@sound WAV-FILE)

(@set-position pos yaw-radians)


I would argue that while they do mutate global state by sticking
something on a list, the list is never looked at except at the very end
of the frame to hand it over to the host system, so they are more like a
display / log function that a global state hazard, and having a syntax
cue for functions that are going to impact the sensory presentation may
be useful.

Thoughts?  What symbols have the least historic baggage?

I was going to list the known baggage, but Stephen ninja'd me. He missed one, though, which seems to connote what you want and isn't ugly or too hard to type:

  (+sound WAV-FILE)
  (+set-position pos yaw-radians)

Neil ⊥

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