On 07/06/2015 10:04 PM, Anthony Carrico wrote:
I've been working through Macros that Work Together (on my way to
working through Sets-of-Scopes). I've come across something that is
slightly unclear to me in the section on local-expand:

   E ::= a mapping from name to transform

I don't believe that E is a stack (right?). If it isn't, then in
jfp12-draft2-fcdf.pdf page 26:

   nostops[E]={var->transform | E(var) = transform and transform != Stop}

   Estops = nostops[E]+{resolve[idstop]->Stop} ...

This will clear out the stops of the outer macro and then install the
stops of the inner macro. My concern is that nostops does nothing to
reinstall the original transformers of the cleared stops. Shouldn't it?

If I remember correctly, nostops does in fact depend on the definition of environments as alists, so when the Stop binding is removed, the previous binding becomes visible again. You can get the actual redex models behind the paper here:



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