Is Neil's xexp format different that the one being used in racket due to
attribute list beginning with an '@'?

(write-html '((html (head (title "My Title"))         (body (@ (bgcolor
"white"))               (h1 "My Heading")               (p "This is a
paragraph.")               (p "This is another paragraph.")))) (

Here is an example xexp from some guys homework assignment (

    (form ((action "http://localhost:8088/hello";))
          "What is your first name?"
          (input ((type "text") (name "firstName")))
          (input ((type "submit") (value "Click Here"))))

Here is the syntax for an xexp from xexp? in the reference:

  xexpr = string  | (list
 symbol (list
 symbol string) ...) xexpr ...)  | (cons
 symbol (list
 xexpr ...))  | symbol  | valid-char?
  | cdata  | misc
And in this latter syntax, how is the attribute list distinguished from a
list of embedded xexps? Is it due to the nesting in the attribute list?

Another question, the racket manuals show xexp->string being used to
generate html.  Neil has a separate write-html function.  Why the

Thanks in advance!

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