Hi all,

Got a wierd problem handling dates. I am retrieving a UTC timestamp from a Postgresql (9.3.9) database, converting it to a date* and then offsetting to a (variable) time zone.

eliding a lot of unrelated code:

        (require (only-in  srfi/19  date->string)
                 (except-in racket/date date->string))
        (set! result (query-row db sql-cmd  userid ))
        (set! expires (vector-ref result 1))
   (eprintf "=> expires ~s~n" expires)
        (set! expires (sql-datetime->srfi-date expires))
   (eprintf "=> expires ~s~n" expires)
        (let* [
               ; convert UTC expire time to user's timezone
               (expires (seconds->date (date*->seconds expires #f)
   (eprintf "=> expires ~s~n" expires)

with 'timezone'  =  -4  (EDT)  this produces:

=> expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 20 26 49585512000 0)
=> expires #(struct:date* 49 26 2022 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 585512000 "")
=> expires #(struct:date* 34 36 1622 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 512000000 "Eastern Daylight Time")

The results are NOT repeatable ... e.g., another run produces:

=> expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 20 57 40 483091000 0)
=> expires #(struct:date* 40 57 20 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 483091000 "")
=> expires #(struct:date* 43 5 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 91000000 "Eastern Daylight Time")

and yet another run:

=> expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 1 21 729173000 0)
=> expires #(struct:date* 21 1 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 729173000 "")
=> expires #(struct:date* 30 13 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 173000000 "Eastern Daylight Time")

As you can see, it seems that *sql-timestamp->srfi-date* sometimes botches the conversion, and it seems that (seconds->date (date*->seconds)) sometimes is not symmetric. BIG BUT ... this ONLY happens when the sql-timestamp comes from an actual database. This simple test program :


   (define  db-time  (sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 18 48 12 0 #f))
   (define  rkt-time (sql-datetime->srfi-date db-time))

   (define timezone -4)
   (define lcl-time (seconds->date (date*->seconds rkt-time #f) timezone))

   (printf "DB : ~s~n" db-time )
   (printf "RKT: ~s~n" rkt-time )
   (printf "LCL: ~s~n" lcl-time )

correctly produces

DB : #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 18 48 12 0 #f)
RKT: #(struct:date* 12 48 18 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 0 "")
LCL: #(struct:date* 12 48 14 22 8 2015 6 233 #t -14400 0 "Eastern Daylight Time")

Can anyone shed light on what's happening? I really need these copnverted timestamps to be correct.


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