
I was wondering if someone could help me with the following. I'm setting up the 
handin collection for a class. 

When I submit the code to my handin-server I get the following error:

-ERROR MESSAGE-----------------------------
commit error: start-timer: arity mismatch;
 the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
  expected: 3
  given: 2

-END ERROR MESSAGE-----------------------------

I traced the issue to the write-report function in the config file. Inside of 
write-report a start-timer function call is made with 2 arguments. The 
start-timer function consumes 3 arguments per the documentation here: 

I opened up the write-report's definition in the grading-utilities.rkt and here 
is the call to start-timer which seems to be missing a parameter:

(start-timer (* 60 report-delay)
                             (build-path dir 
                                         (format "~a-report-~a.txt"
                                                 (string-join users "+")        
                           #:exists 'replace
                           (thunk (display report-string)))))

I'm not sure what to do now. Any suggestions? Below are my files.

------Student Submission-------
(define (bar x y)
  (+ x y))

------CONFIG file-----------------
((active-dirs ("test"))
 (deadline (("test" (2016 3 11 23 59 59) 3)))
 (max-submissions (("test" 200)))

(module checker handin-server/checker
  (require handin-server/grading-utils)
  ; Checks that submission is on time and that the user has submissions left
  ; Ends the report by adding the score and writes it in the user directory
  ; This way, students can see their reports from the web interface.
   ; Get timestamp of the submission and add it to header and report
   :language  '(special intermediate)
   (add-header-line! (get-submission-timestamp))
   (add-report-line! (get-submission-timestamp))

   ; Grading
   ; Initialize max score
   (set-test-max-score! 100)
   ; Failure discounts 25 points
   (@test "Sample case 1"
          "Error using even? predicate"
          (bar 1 3)

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