Here's one more solution, using "template metafunctions" (inspired by Redex's metafunctions). And yes, most of the point of template metafunctions is to have something that cooperates with ellipses like you want.

> (require syntax/parse
> (define-template-metafunction join
     [(_ a:id b:id)
      (format-id #'a "~a-~a" #'a #'b)]))
> (syntax-parse #'(foo a b c)
   [(f:id s:id ...)
    (template (list (join f s) ...))])
#<syntax::247 (list foo-a foo-b foo-c)>


On 9/2/15 7:00 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am working on what I consider a simple macro, but after reading all
of the macro-related documentation twice, I still don't see how to do

I want to transform

   (foo a b c)


   (list foo-a foo-b foo-c)

Here is my best attempt (using syntax/parse):

(syntax-parse #'(foo a b c)
   [(f:id s:id ...)
    (list (format-id #'f "foo-~a" #'s) ...)])

This yields the error message

   syntax: missing ellipsis with pattern variable in template

In fact, what I want is do something like map over the ellipsis pattern,
but I haven't seen any example for doing this.

Help, please!

Thanks in advance,

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