
I have just tried to HEAD a web server, and have come across a few
issues around the use of head-pure-port:

1. What is the point of `head-pure-port'? The HTTP server should not
   (must not?) send a body. Which means that once the port is purified,
   `head-pure-port' returns nothing. So it was a bit silly of me to
   expect anything in the first place (this is before I bumped into
   connection persistence); maybe the documentation could ask the
   potential user, "Didn't you really want to use `head-impure-port'?"

[So, in fact, I have issues with `head-impure-port']:

2. (port->string (head-impure-port
                  (string->url "";)))
   takes way too long to potentially preflight a website.
   cpu time: 2578 real time: 29767 gc time: 125. This is due to
   HTTP keep-alive. For anyone who hits this, may I suggest two
    - keep-alive can be overridden with '("Connection: Close")
      passed as a header in `head-impure-port'
      (port->string (head-impure-port
                     (string->url "";)
                     '("Connection: Close")))

    - if connection persistence is desirable (which I guess it usually
      is), then read the header until an empty line:
      (for/list ((p (in-port (curryr read-line 'return-linefeed)
                      (string->url "";))))
                 #:break (string=? p ""))

3. Poking around url.rkt, I notice that `http-conn-impure-port' makes
   a pipe with a limit of 4096 bytes. http-client.rkt, which is directly
   required by url.rkt, defines (but does not provide) `PIPE-SIZE' --
   also 4096. Is there any merit in sharing this value between the


Tim Brown <> ▪ +447771714159

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