Hi Folks,

In recursive functions there is a termination clause that the function first 
tests for before proceeding. If the test clause succeeds an immediate value is 
returned, otherwise, a recursive call is made with some modification of input 

In much code the body of the recursive function has several steps. In languages 
like python, the if clause is simply put at the head of the function and the 
rest of the body is written as usual. In Racket I find myself having to define 
a second function in order to do this, since what can go in the branches of an 
'if' statement are limited.

Is this the correct pattern, or is there a more elegant way of doing this in 


(define (f-recur x y)
(if (< x 1)
    (f-recur-2 x y)))

(define (f-recur-2 x y)
  ... something complex here
  (f-recur x' y')

Many thanks!

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