On 2015-09-23 09:46AM, Erich Rast wrote:
>Someone on stackoverflow gave me a working implementation in Python 3
>but it uses advanced features and I have no clue how to translate this
>to Racket.

Like this?

#lang racket

(define combinations   ; from Rosetta code
   [(_ 0)           '(())]
   [('() _)         '()]
   [((cons x xs) m) (append
                     (map (curry cons x) (combinations xs (- m 1))) 
                     (combinations xs m))]))

(define (preorders A)
  (if (null? A) '(())
      (for*/fold ([result '()])
                 ([k (range 1 (+ 1 (length A)))]
                  [B (combinations A k)]
                  [order (preorders (set-subtract A B))])
        (cons (cons B order) result))))

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