the list 0 isnt a bug. I add it because #:break will break the fitness vector 
at r < f.

For example, 
Population : a b c d
Cumulative fitness .2 .5 .7 1

If the random r = .8, it means that the lottery points to the interval of 
automaton d. But #:break will breaks at .7, and the associated automaton is 
falsely identified as automaton c.

(Hm, right?)

On 13/ott/2015, at 20:21, Nguyen Linh Chi <> wrote:

> Hi Mathias, thank you so much for helping me a lot.
> You can use the code as you want, i still have tons of them on my github. 
> (Just dont use it against me ok :D )
> I'd try to see through your list of suggestions.
> About the automata payoff.
> There are 2 different things that are always mixed up: round and cycle. In 
> each cycle, automata are matched in pair and play a game for r rounds per 
> match. At the end of each cycle, there is a replacement period (respawning 
> the fittest). In what im doing, the payoff after r rounds is transformed into 
> the fitness, and the strongest automata (biggest payoff) survive. In some 
> sense they already carry on their relative payoff with them just because they 
> survive.
> Make the automaton carrying their absolute payoff history over cycles would 
> be intereting to see. I've never thought of that and the coding effort is 
> also a reason i havent tried.
> On 13/ott/2015, at 19:59, Matthias Felleisen <> wrote:
>> p.s. One more question. Why do you 'reset' the payoff for automata after 
>> each round? Shouldn't they carry along their overall, historical payoff? 
>> On Oct 13, 2015, at 1:40 PM, Matthias Felleisen <> wrote:
>>> 1. Your code is a good example for something that we could use as a 
>>> benchmark, and working on it has helped me find a couple of problems in 
>>> drracket and typed racket. Thanks for triggering my activity. I'll stop 
>>> soon. 
>>> 2. I figured out that your code was general so you could accommodate more 
>>> situations than the ones you explored. My interest diverges from yours. To 
>>> me it is now just a cute benchmark. You will be able to use my insights to 
>>> speed up your performance: 
>>> -- factor the program into separate modules/files, 
>>> -- make the modules independent of the representations, 
>>> -- change automata and population representations to use vectors instead of 
>>> lists, 
>>> -- avoid mutation, 
>>> -- eliminate all situations where you use (append l (list x)); instead use 
>>> cons and reverse the result at the end. 
>>> That way you can run the program 6 times faster. 
>>> 3. Otherwise I think your program needs real testing and I think there are 
>>> two bugs: 
>>> a: I created a pull request for this one: 
>>> (define (accumulated-payoff-percentages payoff-list)
>>> (define payoff-sum (apply + payoff-list))
>>> (define-values (accumulated _)
>>>   (for/fold ([accumulated (list 0)] ;; change to '(); otherwise you get a 
>>> list that's too long; your other for loop accidentally compensates for this 
>>> bug 
>>>              [init 0])
>>>             ([y (in-list payoff-list)])
>>>     [define next-init (+ init (/ y payoff-sum))]
>>>     (values (cons next-init accumulated) next-init)))
>>> (reverse accumulated))
>>> b: I don't know how to fix this one properly: 
>>> (define (randomise-over-fitness population fitness speed)
>>> (for/list ([n (in-range speed)])
>>> [define r (random)]
>>> (define candidate
>>>   (for/and ([p (in-vector population)]
>>>              [f (in-list fitness)]
>>>              #:break (< r f))
>>>     p))
>>> candidate))
>>> replace last line with something like this: 
>>> (or candidate (vector-ref population 0))))
>>> Otherwise there is a non-0 chance otherwise that you get a boolean value 
>>> eventually. I am not sure which default value you want to throw in. 
>>> 4. You're right:
>>> -- I re-created the match-pair function when I looked over my code. 
>>> -- using in-list and in-vector and in-range speeds up for loops. 
>>> -- types are irrelevant to your project. They helped me. 
>>> I have pushed the last changes for now. Can we have your permission to use 
>>> this code for a benchmark in our research world? Thanks. 
>>> On Oct 13, 2015, at 12:00 PM, Linh Chi Nguyen <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Matthias you work like a machine, too fast.
>>>> Anyway, I have no idea what is type or not type.
>>>> But I have some general remarks:
>>>> 1. A general automaton can have many states, say, 10 states.
>>>> so the action in each state can be either cooperate or defect (this is a 
>>>> deterministic automaton, for a probabilistic one, they can even randomise 
>>>> between cooperate or defect, but the case of deterministic and 
>>>> probabilistic should be separated far).
>>>> it means that, even for a 2 state automaton, it can happen that both state 
>>>> use the same cooperate action.
>>>> other small notices
>>>> - the all defect automaton start with defecting and always defecting so 
>>>> its code is : defect defect defect... not cooperate defect defect... (same 
>>>> for the all cooperates one)
>>>> - i'm considering to add a mutation phase at the end of each cycle (ie 
>>>> choose some random automaton and mutate their code) but im working very 
>>>> slow.
>>>> - why dont you define a (match-pair ...) function separately? you insert 
>>>> it in the (match-population ...). doesnt it deserve to be outside?
>>>> - why you use [i (in-range 10)] in all for loop? what's the difference 
>>>> with [i 10]. they both produce stream, right?
>>>> On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 01:46:04 UTC+2, Matthias Felleisen  wrote:
>>>>> Take a crack at it. 
>>>>> I am pretty sure I have introduced the proper level of representation 
>>>>> independence (I can hear Ben laugh all the way now — Typed Racket
>>>>> doesn’t have types) and the typed documentation is pretty solid. (I’ll
>>>>> do types later to validate.)
>>>> -- 
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