I think I've run into this problem before. The type of array-slice-ref is

  (Array A) (Listof Slice-Spec) -> (Array A)
  where Slice-Spec = (U (Sequenceof Integer) Integer ....)

The problem is that integers are also sequences, so the contract generated for Slice-Spec just discards the Integer part. (I can't remember if it's done by type->contract or by or/c.) Then when given an integer, the sequenceof contract accepts it and produces a sequence proxy that is not an integer.

Basically, 0 gets turned into (in-range 0), which is an empty sequence.

I don't know of a workaround that uses only untyped code, but you can define a typed alternative version of array-slice-ref that accepts a version of Slice-Spec with the (Sequenceof Integer) removed (or replaced with lists and/or vectors). Then if you use that in untyped code, it should work as expected because the overlap is gone.


On 10/21/2015 12:30 PM, Berthold Bäuml wrote:
When using array-slice-ref from math/array I get different results
when executing it #lang typed/racket or #lang racket (see below). The
typed/racket result is consistent with the documentation, the untyped
one seems to be wrong.


#lang typed/racket
(require math/array)

(define arr
  #[#[#["000" "001" "002" "003"]
      #["010" "011" "012" "013"]
      #["020" "021" "022" "023"]]
    #[#["100" "101" "102" "103"]
      #["110" "111" "112" "113"]
      #["120" "121" "122" "123"]]]))

(array-slice-ref arr (list 0 ::…))

computes to:
(array #[#["000" "001" "002" "003"] #["010" "011" "012" "013"] #["020" "021" "022" 


#lang racket
(require math/array)

(define arr
  #[#[#["000" "001" "002" "003"]
      #["010" "011" "012" "013"]
      #["020" "021" "022" "023"]]
    #[#["100" "101" "102" "103"]
      #["110" "111" "112" "113"]
      #["120" "121" "122" "123"]]]))

(array-slice-ref arr (list 0 ::…))

computes to:
(array #[])

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