Hi Asumu,

Thanks for your reply, sorry for the delayed response: was caught by some 

My main problem is how organise the Racket wrapper. I've checked Chicken's 
source for Sundials: while it provides nice and simple interface, it hides a 
bit too many things (for example, I don't think it's possible to provide your 
own Jacobian to CVODE-solver from Scheme, while it is possible to do it from 
C). So, I would want to create a layered library with low-level full-control 
layer and high-level simple interface.

Also, what is the best practice in terms of memory management since Sundials 
requires objects allocated in C-heap?

PS. One particular part I'm interested in is ODE-solver (CVODE). If I can 
manage to create the wrapper for this, the rest can follow and probably will be 
easier as I would be more familiar with technique.

PPS. Thanks for links I am checking MPFR-wrapper now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Asumu Takikawa [mailto:as...@ccs.neu.edu] 
Sent: Saturday, 24 October 2015 3:44 AM
To: Alexey Cherkaev <alexey.cherk...@gmail.com>
Cc: racket-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [racket-users] Sundials FFI wrapper

Hi Alexey,

On 2015-10-22 10:08:52 +0200, Alexey Cherkaev wrote:
>    Is there anybody who has done something similar in Racket for other C
>    libraries? And who will be interested in creating the wrapper for
>    Sundials? (PS. I don’t feel my expertise are up to scratch to tackle it on
>    my own…)

There are a lot of C library bindings for Racket. The math library, for 
example, binds to MPFR:


If you look on the pkg site, there are a bunch:

  http://pkgs.racket-lang.org (try the "ffi" tag)

I don't personally have time to write such a wrapper for Sundials, but I did 
glance through the docs. It looks like there are a bunch of separate components 
with their own manuals.

Was there any particular part of it that you would want to use from Racket?


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