This question has been asked in 2012 and the fact that no reply has been posted 
makes me think this is a dead track. But nevertheless...

I see that during a debugging session I can hover above an expression and 
rightclick to send its value to the console or so set! it something else.

What I would like to do is evaluate complete expressions at will using the 
current context where the debugger is. For example, type expressions and 
commands in the interactions area and see immediately their value.

It is a basic functionality offered by all developer tools of all web browsers. 
Does Racket feature it too?

I'd love to know how to do this because I am studying call/cc and it would be 
very useful to experiment with current continuations by feeding them values out 
of the debugging loop and watching what they do. 

The maximum I can get now is to see that cc => #<continuation> but that's 
really of no help whatsoever.

Add here the fact that continuations are not examinable in the stepper and soon 
you see that the assistance given by the environment is virtually none. It's a 
pity. Am I missing something?

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