Hi All --

I'm hoping the answer to the question below will serve as an intro to macros, a 
subject I've been interested in for awhile but haven't had time to look into 
much.  Here goes, fingers crossed:

Given a list of constants (a0, a1… an) and a list of x-values (x0, x1,….xn), I 
want to design a function in Racket that produces an interpolating polynomial 
in Newton form, or p(x) = a0 + a1(x - x0) + a2(x - x0)(x - x1) + a3(x - x0)(x - 
x1) (x - x2) + ….+ an(x - x0)(x - x1)…(x - xn).   My understanding of functions 
that produce functions is limited to what’s in HtDP, and this example (I think) 
goes beyond that (and hopefully into macros).   

Any tips or advice would be much appreciated!


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