Thanks, Greg, that's helpful.

By the way, I love racket-mode. DrRacket is a great environment, but I
get frustrated editing text in anything but Emacs (or more recently
Emacs with Evil via Spacemacs). Racket-mode provides enough support that
I only switch into DrRacket when I've hit the wall with debugging.

It probably shows, but I'm just beginning to work with Racket proper and
while the documentation is exhaustive, there's just so much to learn. I
did two passes on Gregor Kiczales' Systematic Programming Design MOOC
back when it was on Coursera -- once as a student, and once as a
community TA. I've passed through most of Realm of Racket and am now
just trying to use Racket for things that are actually useful to me,
things I would normally just do through rough and raunchy adhoc shell
scripting. I'm switching back and forth between the guide and the
reference and grepping the codebase to find examples of in-the-wild

As a curiosity, I had my co-worker who doesn't code read over the
original Python script I'd written, and this Racket script and he
commented that he found the Racket version easier to follow. I agree.
I've found it easy to get simple things done in Python, and that mostly
without knowing what I'm doing. Doing the same things in Racket has
required a little more effort to research how to solve the problem, but
I'm happier with the end result and feel better about it, somehow.

Thanks again,

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