On Friday, November 20, 2015 at 5:40:32 AM UTC-5, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 02:01:02PM -0800, Brian Adkins wrote:
> > The more I dig into Racket, the more I like it. It seems like a perfect fit 
> > for both my personality and the type of applications I am, and will be, 
> > writing. For the vast majority of what I need to do, it's a great fit.
> > 
> > I do occasionally encounter a need for raw speed, so I'm looking for a 
> > complement to Racket for those few times when it's not fast enough. I 
> > chatted briefly about this on IRC the other day, but I thought I'd tap into 
> > the collective wisdom on the mailing list.
> > 
> > I'm open to suggestions, but I've tentatively narrowed the list down to 
> > Rust and C. I programmed in C/C++ for about a decade, then Java for a 
> > decade, and most recently in Ruby for a decade, so it's been a while since 
> > I was an expert C hacker, and my recent Ruby experience has lessened my 
> > polyglotness :)
> Consider Gambit and OCaml.
> OCaml is statically typed, and its compiler uses the static typing in 
> its code generation.  Although the stock OCaml interprets byte code, on 
> the x86 and AMD64 traditions the compiler will compile all the way to 
> efficient machine code.
> Gambit is another Scheme dialect (and thus similar somewhat to 
> Gambti).  It normally compiles down to C, and permits you to specify 
> what C code is to be generated for specific user-declared functions.  
> THis might be the language team-up you want.
> -- hendrik

I've actually spent a fair amount of time with OCaml, and I like the language a 
lot (better than Haskell), but for *me* it's kind of in an awkward spot - on 
the one hand, it's not quite as fast as Rust/C (although for a functional 
language, it's really fast), and multi-core requires async (got tired of 
waiting for the multi-core promise of 4.03), and on the other hand, I find 
Racket much more enjoyable, productive and a better fit for the way I think.

I would consider Gambit for a special purpose app that *needed* to compile down 
to C (maybe an embedded platform, robotics, etc. where Racket isn't available), 
but for my general application development, I'm sticking with Racket. I even 
have Racket running on my Raspberry Pi, and I think Linux is becoming more 
available for robotics, so I may be able to skip the whole "C" thing there as 

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