Hello everyone,

I'm trying to do refactoring operations in Racket. I'm using syntax-parse to 
match the refactoring rules, but I have a problem with the use of #:literals. 
It works for the expanded program, but it does not work for the non expanded 

The non expanded program works just fine in a normal file, however it does not 
work when I feed the argument from other programs. While the expanded program 
works when is fed by other programs.

I get the expanded program from the function "drracket:eval:expand-program" and 
the non expanded program from "drracket:eval:traverse-program/multiple".

I have a plugin that shows this problem, you can find it in this link: 
https://github.com/RafaelReia/RefactoringTool.git I already have more 
refactoring operations but this plugin is simplified to show the error.

There are 2 refactorings available, one (refactoring If) uses 
drracket:eval:expand-program. It uses #:literals and it works.

the other (refactoring if V2) uses drracket:eval:traverse-program/multiple. 
When it uses #:literals it raises an error, but if I change it to 
#:datum-literals it works.

To use the refactoring tool it is necessary to select the code to be refactored 
(e.g. (if (< 1 2) #f #t) ), right click it and then select the refactoring in 
the Refactoring Test Plugin.

It would be great if someone could take a look at the plugin and explain the 


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