On Dec 11, 2015, at 6:36 AM, Paolo Giarrusso <p.giarru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Friday, December 11, 2015 at 1:21:04 AM UTC+1, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> On Dec 10, 2015, at 3:04 PM, Klaus Ostermann wrote:
>>> Thanks for the clarification, Sam. What you write makes sense.
>>> However, since the default case (without explicit annotations) is that I 
>>> get these very (too?) precise singleton types, I have the impression that 
>>> reasoning about (typed) program equivalence is more difficult in TR than in 
>>> standard statically typed languages. 
>>> Aren't types supposed to be a device for abstraction and for supporting 
>>> information hiding? Singleton types seem to be against that spirit by 
>>> exposing "implementation details" of the terms, such as the difference 
>>> between (- 1 1) and (- 2 2).
>> I don't think gradual/incremental type systems play this role. But it is an 
>> open question how we can enrich such type systems with types as abstraction 
>> barriers. -- Matthias
> What is the problem there? 

What you want are opaque types and representation independence for existing 
types. But, in a gradual type system, types are imposed on untyped data 
representations that (more or less) signal "it's okay if my clients know how I 
represent my 'stacks' as long as they don't/can't mess them up." 

In Racket the closest thing to such a protected representation is our 
generative struct i.e. instances of two distinct evaluations cannot interfere 
with each other. In Typed Racket we exclude this (so far). 

If you look at ML, you'll find that datatype is generative, too, at the type 
phase level. Once the type checker proves that two distinct "evaluations" of a 
datatype spec type check (in context), their values can't ever co-mingle at 
run-time and so it is safe to represent them with the *same* bits. In the 
original ML this is a significant hole in the type system; ML '98 or whatever 
it was called fixed this problem. 

-- Matthias

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