So, I was under the impression that the REPL was the toplevel (unless
you entered a module context or something like that). But I just had
something challenge that assumption and so now I'm a bit confused.

I have the following top level program:

  (require (for-meta 1 racket)
               (for-meta 2 racket))
      (define x 5))))

When I run this top level program in the REPL, it works just fine. And
I can even reference x in later evaluations. (Provided I'm at the
meta-level of 2).

However, when I pass this top level program into compile like so:

(compile #'(begin
             (require (for-meta 1 racket)
                      (for-meta 2 racket))
                 (define x 5)))))

I get the following error:

define: unbound identifier at phase 2;
 also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: define

Can someone give me the reason (or at least some intuition) as to why
this works in the repl, but not at the top level?

Thank you.

~Leif Andersen

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