Well, actually, I overlooked that information in the prior posts. Sorry
for the noise and thanks for the summary! Daniel.

Am 29.12.2015 um 14:10 schrieb Jay McCarthy:
> I don't understand your question. The net-cookies package is very good
> for arbitrary cookies and the id-cookie library I linked to is very
> good for just authentication. The posts prior to your question contain
> this information, so what are you asking?
> Jay
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Daniel Brunner <dan...@dbrunner.de> wrote:
>> Btw, what's the "standard" way to handle cookies? I learned from the
>> documentation one should use the net-cookies package?
>> (I am writing a small http client script and need to handle the
>> authentication cookies as well).
>> Kind regards,
>> Daniel
>> Am 24.12.2015 um 15:50 schrieb Marc Kaufmann:
>>> In short, do HTTPS with cookies and I should be fine (modulo bugs, weak
>>> passwords, etc).
>>> Thanks, that does answer very well the question that I didn't ask.
>>> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccar...@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:jay.mccar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 10:38 PM, Marc Kaufmann
>>>     <marc.kaufman...@gmail.com <mailto:marc.kaufman...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     > Hi all,
>>>     >
>>>     > I am hopefully going to implement a minor website for gathering 
>>> survey data for some research I am doing. Due to data privacy and so on, I 
>>> want to be extra careful about security. First, I didn't understand the 
>>> security concerns about URLS at 
>>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server/faq.html, nor its solution
>>>     (see end of email for the full question which confuses me).
>>>     >
>>>     > Secondly, do I understand correctly that for a production-ready 
>>> website, I would use the Racket serve/servlet - or are there other/better 
>>> servers I would use? I've only used the serve/servlet on my local machine 
>>> and wouldn't understand the security concerns until I was hacked (and even 
>>> then...).
>>>     There's just one serve and serve/servlet is the best way to start it,
>>>     because it has the most options and controls, which you will probably
>>>     want in a production system.
>>>     > The question that left me more confused than reassured (primarily 
>>> because I don't understand what HTTP traffic in the clear is - as opposed 
>>> to HTTPS?):
>>>     Yes, if I am between you and your destination, then I can see
>>>     everything you send and receive on HTTP (and change it). In contrast,
>>>     if you use HTTPS, then I just know what server you are talking to, but
>>>     I don't know what URLs you are looking at or what data you are sending
>>>     and receiving. So, most issues related to URLs don't really apply to
>>>     HTTPS.
>>>     > "10.7. What special considerations are there for security with the 
>>> Web Server?
>>>     >
>>>     > The biggest problem is that a naive usage of continuations will allow 
>>> continuations to subvert authentication mechanisms. Typically, all that is 
>>> necessary to execute a continuation is its URL. Thus, URLs must be as 
>>> protected as the information in the continuation.
>>>     >
>>>     > Consider if you link to a public site from a private continuation 
>>> URL: the Referrer field in the new HTTP request will contain the private 
>>> URL. Furthermore, if your HTTP traffic is in the clear, then these URLs can 
>>> be easily poached.
>>>     >
>>>     > One solution to this is to use a special cookie as an authenticator. 
>>> This way, if a URL escapes, it will not be able to be used, unless the 
>>> cookie is present. For advice about how to do this well, see Dos and Don’ts 
>>> of Client Authentication on the Web from the MIT Cookie Eaters.
>>>     >
>>>     > Note: It may be considered a great feature that URLs can be shared 
>>> this way, because delegation is easily built into an application via URLs."
>>>     You haven't really asked a question, but let me try to give you an
>>>     example.
>>>     Suppose your main function is something like
>>>     (define (main req)
>>>      (define maybe-has-the-password-req
>>>       (send/suspend (lambda (url) "Give me your password")))
>>>      (if (really-has-password? maybe-has-the-password-req)
>>>       (secure-site maybe-has-the-password-req)
>>>       (main maybe-has-the-password-req)))
>>>     Once they type in the password, they get the secure site
>>>     (define (secure-site req)
>>>      (send/suspend/dispatch
>>>       (lambda (embed-url)
>>>        (list "Would you like launch missiles today?" (embed-url (lambda
>>>     (req) (launch-missiles!) (secure-site req)))))))
>>>     So, the URL they start at would be like
>>>     1. http://missiles.dod.mil
>>>     After they type in the password it would be
>>>     2. http://missiles.dod.mil/?k=kljdaflkfjaflkdj
>>>     And once they click launch missiles it would be
>>>     3. http://missiles.dod.mil/?k=qeriudfnafurf
>>>     Either of the URLs, 2 or 3, when you click on them, you will
>>>     immediately go to the secure site whether you typed in the password or
>>>     not in your browser, because the authentication was in the past of the
>>>     computation.
>>>     So, if you did HTTPS just for the transition from 1->2 (as some Web
>>>     sites do) but then use HTTP after that, then the URL could be snooped
>>>     at middle-men could be your users.
>>>     Similarly, if we changed the secure site to be...
>>>     (define (secure-site req)
>>>      (send/suspend/dispatch
>>>       (lambda (embed-url)
>>>        (list "Would you like launch missiles today?" (embed-url (lambda
>>>     (req) (launch-missiles!) (secure-site req)))
>>>               (a ([href "http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/us.gov";]
>>>     "Check to see if you should launch")))))
>>>     Then when you click on the link, the HTTP(S) request to
>>>     downforeveryoneorjustme.com <http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com>
>>>     will look like
>>>     GET /us.gov <http://us.gov> HTTP/1.1
>>>     Referrer: http://missiles.dod.mil/?k=kljdaflkfjaflkdj
>>>     Thus, the admins there could launch the missiles by looking at their
>>>     logs and clicking on the link.
>>>     This referrer is always sent unless a link is from an HTTPS site to an
>>>     HTTP site.
>>>     So, basically, the summary is to not do this. Instead, make it so that
>>>     once you type in the password, you set an authentication cookie and
>>>     when you get to any page that requires authentication, check that the
>>>     cookie is already there. The Racket Web server comes with a library
>>>     for doing this:
>>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server/http.html?q=web-server%2Fhttp%2Fid-cookie#%28mod-path._web-server%2Fhttp%2Fid-cookie%29
>>>     Jay
>>>     --
>>>     Jay McCarthy
>>>     Associate Professor
>>>     PLT @ CS @ UMass Lowell
>>>     http://jeapostrophe.github.io
>>>                "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
>>>           for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
>>>     And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
>>>                               - D&C 64:33
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