Hi folks,

tl;dr:  How do I make HTTPS calls from within Racket?


I co-write a play-by-post RPG (
-- stop by if you're curious; the barrier to entry is low).   The players
all vote to control a single character, so being able to easily tally the
votes is a big thing.  As part of my "learning Racket" efforts, I'm writing
a web spider that will crawl the forum starting from a given location and
tally up votes.

In this I have the following method:

(define (web/call url-string #:method [:method get-pure-port] )
   (call/input-url (string->url url-string)
                   (curry :method #:redirections 5)

(NB:  That originally hardcoded get-pure-port; I put the keyword in just as
an exercise, but it wouldn't actually work if you gave it an impure port.
Will fix when tuits are available.)

When I do this:

(define u "

(web/call u)

I get this:

racket tallyho.rkt
racket tallyho.rkt
ssl-connect: connect failed (error:14077410:SSL
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure)
   /Applications/Racket_v6.3/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:1401:8: loop

   /Applications/Racket_v6.3/collects/net/url.rkt:179:2: redirection-loop
   /Applications/Racket_v6.3/collects/net/url.rkt:143:0: getpost-pure-port
   /Applications/Racket_v6.3/collects/net/url.rkt:245:4: call/input-url
   /Users/dstorrs/personal/study/scheme/spider/spider.rkt:204:0: web/call19
   /Users/dstorrs/personal/study/scheme/sv_vote_tally/tallyho.rkt: [running

I've just spent a whole lot of time Googling around.  There are a lot of
tutorials about how to write a web *server* in Racket, and some of those
touch on SSL and/or HTTPS.  There's not so much for web *clients* though,
and the actual web-client module doesn't seem to handle HTTPS.

When I read the docs for net/url I saw this bit:

Beware: By default, "https" scheme handling does not verify a server’s
certificate (i.e., it’s equivalent of clicking through a browser’s
warnings), so communication is safe, but the identity of the server is not
verified. To validate the server’s certificate, set current-https-protocol
to a context created with ssl-make-client-context
and enable certificate validation in the context with ssl-set-verify!

When I look at 'current-https-protocol' I see this:

Changed in version 6.1 of package base: Added 'tls11 and 'tls12. Changed in
version Default to new 'auto and disabled SSL 2.0 and 3.0 by

So it should be attempting to negotiate the protocol on its own.

Help me, wisdom of crowds.  What is it that I don't know?


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