On Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 2:26:50 PM UTC-5, antoine wrote:
> To make it clear here is what i have in mind:
> #lang racket
> ;; dummy function, just remplace by A
> (define (do-stuff shared-data data-length)
>   (values
>    (make-bytes data-length 65)
>    data-length))
> (define p
>   (place ch
>          (define shared-data (place-channel-get ch))
>          (let loop ()
>            (define data-length (place-channel-get ch))
>            (define-values (new-data new-data-length) (do-stuff shared-data 
> data-length))
>            (bytes-copy!       shared-data 0 new-data 0 new-data-length)
>            (place-channel-put ch new-data-length)
>            (loop))))
> (module+ main
>   (define shared-data (make-shared-bytes 10 66))
>   (place-channel-put p shared-data)
>   (place-channel-put p 5)
>   (place-channel-get p) ;; 5
>   (printf "~a\n" shared-data)  ;; AAAAABBBBB
>   (place-channel-put p 7)
>   (place-channel-get p) ;; 7
>   (printf "~a\n" shared-data)) ;; AAAAAAABBB
> > But you would still need to copy the mutable byte string (returned by 
> > various byte string functions) to the shared byte string you create with 
> > make-shared-bytes, right? So, a byte string would still be copied.
> Yes
> > As someone suggested earlier, I could use read-bytes! and read directly 
> > into a byte string created by make-shared-bytes. Then I *think* the cost to 
> > "send" it to the worker place is minimal (maybe just sending a pointer). 
> > That would require some buffer bookkeeping to split lines, etc., but the 
> > workers would still need to copy their resulting byte strings to the output 
> > place.
> Yes
> > Maybe I'm being overprotective, but my hunch is that I need the output 
> > place to serialize access to the output file vs. having the worker places 
> > write directly to it, but if Racket serializes access to the output port, 
> > maybe I can skip that.
> According to the doc it seem you can't pass output-file-port.

I think I get what you're saying, but the trouble is to do this requires 
changing just about everything in the code i.e. manipulating indices into a 
shared buffer vs. having functions returning byte strings. It's much closer to 
what I did in the C program - definitely faster, but more manual bookkeeping 
for the programmer.

So, instead of programming in a more functional way - pass in a byte string, do 
some work and return another byte string. You would pass in a mutable byte 
string with a begin and end indices, do some work and return the updated 
indices, etc.

You can pass file ports across place channels - I send the output port to the 
output place, and it works fine. What I don't know is whether Racket would 
serialize N places that are writing to one port.

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