Both of you were correct, I had to flush my output and newline terminate it. 
The final result looks like:

(define (broadcast source destination type message port)
  (let ([h (hash 'source source 'dest destination
                 'type type 'message message)])
    (fprintf port "~a\n" (jsexpr->string h))
    (flush-output port))) 

I do have a couple of followup questions. Will flushing the output have issues 
when multiple bridges are active at once? The actual data packets are small 
enough that I doubt it'd overflow a buffer, if that helps. 
When I compile this program, I notice that it takes up 5MB of space. Is that 
because it's also compiling the c library that unix-socket wraps? Or is the 
JSON library that large?

Once again, thank you for your help!

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