Hi Axel,

On 2016-02-19 06:24:35 -0800, Axel Schnell wrote:
> I'm just experimenting with typed classes in the typed/racket language.In my
> first experiments I created a class called polynome% with a method derive.
> The result of this method is new instance of this class via (new this% ...).
> Unfortunately the drracket environment complained that it does not know
> this%. Is 'this%' missing by design or is it just not yet implemented?

It's missing by design, because it's unclear what type it can be assigned.

Typed Racket requires that a class type describes all of the methods/fields
that a class actually has, so that when you subclass it you can statically
check that no method/field name conflicts will occur.

But you can't write down such a type for `this%` because the methods/fields it
will have is only known at runtime. In particular, it may actually be a
subclass of the class you originally wrote the `this%` reference in.


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