Thank you! I wasn't aware of the html-parsing library.


On 2/25/2016 11:21 AM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
You should double check against the HTML 4.01 spec

Since you mention "in the wild", I think you probably don't want to
use the html library but instead want to use


On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 1:13 PM, jon stenerson <> wrote:
I find that when I use the html library I have to make a few simple changes
to html-spec.rkt. It seems that <ins> and <del> are not treated like <b> and
<i> . You can see in this example that while <b> remains in the enclosing
<p>, <ins> does not. I also find that I have to allow pcdata as a child of
<ol> and <ul>. I don't know whether pcdata is "supposed to" appear there but
it often does in the wild.


#lang racket

(require (prefix-in h: html)  (prefix-in x: xml))

(define (xml->list x)
         [(x:pcdata? x) (x:pcdata-string x)]
         [(x:entity? x) (list)]
         [(x:element? x)
          (list (x:element-name x)
                (map xml->list (x:element-content x)))]
         [(list? x) (map xml->list x)]))

(printf "~s\n" (xml->list (h:read-html-as-xml (open-input-string "<p>Hello
world <b>Testing</b>!</p>"))))
(printf "~s\n" (xml->list (h:read-html-as-xml (open-input-string "<p>Hello
world <ins>Testing</ins>!</p>"))))

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