Today I wrote and then fixed a bug that caused my program to enter an infinite 
loop for reasons I don't understand.

The program is the output display formatting for a prototype relational lambda 
calculus interpreter. First I took my two structs, Lam and App (using symbols 
for variables), and implemented the gen:custom-write interface for both, 
essentially following the example in the documentation:

#lang racket

(define-struct Lam (var body)
  #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (λ (v port mode)
                                                   (write-lam v port mode)))])
(define-struct App (func arg)
  #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (λ (v port mode)
                                                   (write-app v port mode)))])

(define (write-lam v port mode)
  (define recur (make-recur port mode))
  (fprintf port "λ~a." (symbol->string (Lam-var v)))
  (recur (Lam-body v)))

(define (write-app v port mode)
  (define recur (make-recur port mode))
  (write-string "(" port)
  (recur (App-func v))
  (write-string " " port)
  (recur (App-arg v))
  (write-string ")" port))

(define (make-recur port mode)
  (define aux (case mode
    [(#t) (lambda (v) (write v port))]
    [(#f) (lambda (v) (display v port))]
    [else (lambda (v) (print v port mode))]))
  (λ (v)
    (if (symbol? v)
        (write-string (symbol->string v) port)
        (aux v))))

It worked fine. Then I defined two new structs, Lam* and App*, representing how 
the written notation groups consecutive lambdas and consecutive applications 
together to save parentheses. I also wrote procedures to convert from the 
simple representation to the new one. Finally, I implemented gen:custom-write 
for the new structs:

(define-struct Lam* (var* body) #:transparent
  #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (λ (v port mode)
                                                   (write-lam* v port mode)))])

(define-struct App* (body*) #:transparent
  #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (λ (v port mode)
                                                   (write-app* v port mode)))])

(define (write-lam* v port mode)
  (define recur (make-recur port mode))
  (define var-str (string-append* (map symbol->string (Lam*-var* v))))
  (fprintf port "λ~a." var-str)
  (recur (Lam*-body v)))

(define (write-app* v port mode)
  (define recur (make-recur port mode))
  (define (space-recur v)
    (write-string " " port)
    (recur v))
  (define body* (App*-body* v))
  (write-string "(" port)
  (recur (car body*))
  (map space-recur (cdr body*))
  (write-string ")" port))

(define (exp->exp* e)
  (match e
    [(Lam _ _)
     (define-values (var* body) (lam->var*+body e))
     (Lam* var* body)]
    [(App _ _)
     (App* (reverse (app->body* e)))]
    [else e]))

(define (lam->var*+body e)
  (match e
    [(Lam v (and b (Lam _ _)))
     (define-values (var* body) (lam->var*+body b))
     (values (cons v var*) body)]
    [(Lam v b)
     (values (list v) (exp->exp* b))]))

(define (app->body* e)
  (match e
    [(App (and e1 (App _ _)) e2)
     (cons (exp->exp* e2) (app->body* e1))]
    [(App e1 e2)
     (list (exp->exp* e2) (exp->exp* e1))]))

Since I knew that the new method implementations would be pretty similar to the 
old ones, I followed my usual bad habit of cutting and pasting and then making 
changes. And as happens more than I like to admit, I missed something. 
Specifically, in the last line of write-lam*, where you now see Lam*-body, I 
left it as Lam-body. When I tried displaying some simple test data, it went 
into an infinite loop. When I tried to investigate with the debugger, I learned 
that you can't break out of a loop in the debugger.

Anyway, long-story->short, I fixed the error, but now I'm puzzled. Shouldn't 
the program have stopped with an error message when Lam-body was applied to a 

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