Hello Racket Users,

I'm currently extending this library and writing a little essay on its
implementation. The essay would be much improved if I could report on
users-other-than-myself experience.

If you've used trivial and have any numbers or stories about convenience,
reduced LOC, or bugs found, I'd love to hear them!
In exchange I promise a beer or other legal refreshment at the next
Racket-Con :)


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Benjamin Greenman <
benjaminlgreen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Short answer: I made a package because I wanted to release as soon as
> possible & encourage feedback / new ideas.
> Longer answer: I don't think there's any reason TR couldn't integrate
> these "smarter" operators (specifically, macros that inspect their
> arguments before calling a core TR function). That's part of why I used the
> colon notation. But they should be opt-in rather than default features
> because the extra analysis fails in potentially-confusing ways.
> (let ([n 2]) (ann (-: n n) Zero)) ;; Type error
> These operators can also introduce type errors.
> (regexp-match #rx"hello" #"world")
> ;; Type error, generated by inferring the result type String from the
> regexp pattern
> That example is a bug in my implementation, but it shows how easily things
> can go strange. It's also possible that a user type error triggers a series
> of type errors in the expanded code.
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@ccs.neu.edu>
> wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2015, at 2:14 AM, Alexis King <lexi.lam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > This is pretty neat. Without looking too much into the documentation or
>> implementation, could you briefly elaborate on why these changes are in a
>> separate package rather than improvements to TR itself?
>> +1
>> >
>> > At a quick glance, you mention doing some sort of static analysis on
>> arguments in the normal macro expansion phase: is there any practical
>> reason why TR couldn’t export these? Are there any hidden incompatibilities
>> with the core Racket forms? Or is this just a philosophical division,
>> deciding that TR shouldn’t unnecessarily re-implement forms to perform
>> “magic” typechecking?
>> >
>> > Anyway, my curiosity aside, this is a cool idea. I’ll definitely
>> consider playing with this a bit if I can get some free time.
>> >
>> > Alexis
>> >
>> >> On Dec 14, 2015, at 21:40, Benjamin Greenman <
>> benjaminlgreen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Have you or someone you know [1] ever thought:
>> >>
>> >> "Gee, I wish Typed Racket could figure out that ___ has type ___.
>> >> It's pretty obvious to me."
>> >>
>> >> Then the new "trivial" [2] library is here to help. If you're using
>> basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /), format strings, or regexp-match, just add a
>> colon to the end of your favorite operator.
>> >>
>> >> When a strong type really is obvious, you win!
>> >>
>> >> (require trivial/regexp)
>> >> (cond
>> >> [(regexp-match: #rx"f(o*)" "foobar")
>> >>  =>
>> >>  (lambda ([m : (List String String)]) (cadr m))]
>> >> [else
>> >>  "no match"])
>> >>
>> >> Please send bugs & feature requests to the issue tracker [3]. The
>> tracker's also a good place to complain about the choice of the name
>> "trivial" or the colon notation.
>> >>
>> >> [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/BfA0jsXrioo
>> >> [2] http://pkg-build.racket-lang.org/doc/trivial/index.html
>> >> [3] https://github.com/bennn/trivial/issues
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ;; --- More Examples
>> >>
>> >> Before:
>> >> (+ 1 (if (= 0 (- 2 2)) 1 "x"))
>> >> ;; expected: Number, given: (U String One)
>> >>
>> >> (printf "hello ~a")
>> >> ;; raises runtime error
>> >>
>> >> (ann (regexp-match "f(o*)" "foobar")
>> >>     (U #f (List String String)))
>> >> ;; Type Error, got type
>> >> ;;   (U #f (Pairof String (Listof (U False String))))
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> After adding (require trivial):
>> >>
>> >> (+ 1 (if (= 0 (-: 2 2)) 1 "x"))
>> >> ;; Success!
>> >>
>> >> (printf: "hello ~a")
>> >> ;; Compile-time error
>> >>
>> >> (ann (regexp-match "f(o*)" "foobar")
>> >>     (U #f (List String String)))
>> >> ;; Success!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> If a strong type isn't clear from the call site, you get standard
>> Typed Racket types.
>> >>
>> >> (let ([n 2]) (-: n 2))
>> >> ;; Type: Integer
>> >>
>> >> ((lambda ([f : (-> String Void)]) (f "~b" 'NaN))
>> >> printf:)
>> >> ;; Runtime error
>> >>
>> >> (regexp-match: "f(o*)|bar" "foo")
>> >> ;; Type: (U #f (Pairof String (Listof (U #f String))))
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> One more thing: there's a special form for compiling regular
>> expression patterns:
>> >>
>> >> (define-regexp: my-pat #rx"f(o*)")
>> >> ;; Also supports pregexp, byte-regexp, byte-pregexp
>> >>
>> >> (ann (regexp-match: my-pat "")
>> >>     (U #f (List String String)))
>> >> ;; Success!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
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>> >> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> >
>> > --
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