On Friday, March 11, 2016 at 7:42:22 PM UTC-5, Brian Adkins wrote:
> I coded up a sequential and parallel version of N-Queens, then did a ton of 
> benchmark runs of 13-Queens to compare the time. For each configuration 
> (sequential or parallel w/ M workers), I ran the programs 6 times, threw out 
> the high two & low two and averaged the middle two numbers.
> The spreadsheet with timings is here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LFwdZbBveaARY_AquGXY9jgaSJlOA03NQCV9TeYQ-l8/edit?usp=sharing
> The code is here:
> https://gist.github.com/lojic/aef0aec491d3dc9cb40b
> I didn't spend any time refining/optimizing, so it's fairly crude, but 
> informative nonetheless.
> The executive summary of timings for the parallel version:
> # Places      Time
> 1     34.9
> 2     19.7
> 3     13.8
> 4     12.3
> 5     11.9
> 6     12.9
> 7     12.1
> 8     12.2
> The sequential version took 31.3 seconds.
> The basic idea for the parallel version is to place the first 13 starting 
> positions in a queue that the place workers will pull from and produce a set 
> of solutions with that starting position. Both the parallel and sequential 
> versions collect all 73,712 solutions in a list and compute the length of it. 
> I hardcoded the number of solutions as a quick & dirty way of determining 
> completion in the parallel version just to allow me to get the timings easily.
> It was great to finally write some Racket code that got all my cores heated 
> up :)
> Brian

Interesting. My first parallel version had the workers write each solutions 
(list of N queen positions) to the parent as they were computed. I just changed 
the program to collect all the solutions for a given prefix (closer to the way 
the sequential version works) and send that list to the parent.

The result is a modest 4% speeedup. I had assumed that creating the extra 
intermediate lists would be slower.

I thought I read something about the implementation of Places that allows data 
to be moved efficiently from one Place to another via virtual memory pages - 
maybe something like that is going on. Regardless, I'm happy that the more 
natural algorithm (to me anyway) is also more efficient. I guess the overhead 
of many place-channel-put/get calls is more expensive than the allocation & 
garbage collection of the intermediate lists.

The second parallel version referred to above is here: 

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