We could certainly implement that, but I don't think we need to to
enforce the invariants we want. If we think of type variables as
supporting something analogous to SML's polymorphic equality, with ''a
in the variables, then `equal?` is a reasonable operation to perform
on them.

Are there invariants you're thinking of that we would lose if `equal?`
worked on these wrappers?


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Robby Findler
<ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> I was thinking that "dynamic parametricity" would imply that
> prop:equal+hash should be functions that raise errors. And then the
> question is: what does this break in our codebase?
> Robby
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
> <sa...@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
>> I think the struct implementing `parameteric->/c` could implement
>> `prop:equal+hash` appropriately. That wouldn't allow them to compare
>> equal to the unwrapped value, but it would make this program work.
>> Sam
>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Phil Nguyen <philnguyen0...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> In the following program, `(p? 1 1)` returns `#t` or `#f` depending on `p?` 
>>> being called from the same or different module:
>>> #lang racket
>>> (module m racket
>>>   (provide
>>>     (contract-out
>>>       [p? (parametric->/c (a) (a a . -> . boolean?))]))
>>>   (define p? equal?)
>>>   (p? 1 1))
>>> (require 'm)
>>> (p? 1 1)
>>> Module `m` is wrong in the first place for comparing 2 sealed objects, but 
>>> here we don't get an error. Is it practical to make `equal?` aware of 
>>> parametric contracts?
>>> This bit me in practice when I used a hashtable (which had an implicit 
>>> `equal?`). The worse part was that tests passed because they were in the 
>>> same module, and I only got unexpected behavior from outside.
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