On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 22:33:35 UTC-4, Matthew Flatt  wrote:
> You were close with
>  ((dynamic-require 'hw 'hw))
> but you're missing a quote:
>  ((dynamic-require ''hw 'hw))
> When you make "base.c" as
>   raco ctool --c-mods base.c hw.rkt
> then it's like
>  (module hw racket/base
>    (provide hw) 
>    (define (hw) (displayln "Hello, world!")))
> at a REPL, and you'd require that module with
>  (require 'hw)
> When using `dynamic-require`, the module name must be quoted, which
> means an odd-looking extra quote in this case:
>  (dynamic-require ''hw ....)
> Along similar lines, instead of
>  v = scheme_intern_symbol("hw");
>  scheme_namespace_require(v);
> you'd need to use
>   v = scheme_make_pair(scheme_intern_symbol("quote"),
>                        scheme_make_pair(scheme_intern_symbol("hw"),
>                                         scheme_make_null()));
>   scheme_namespace_require(v);
> The enclosed "hw.c" shows how to use scheme_dynamic_require(), which is
> similar and probably what you want.
> The documentation for `raco ctool --c-mods` doesn't explain what it
> does with a file like "hw.rkt" --- i.e., that it's like declaring a
> module 'hw, and that any connection to a "hw.rkt" file is discarded ---
> and I'll work on the documentation.
> At Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:02:24 -0700 (PDT), Anthony Sterrett wrote:
> > I appear to be swimming upstream. There are all sorts of tutorials and 
> > references for *extending* Racket with C, but precious little about 
> > *embedding* it. Unfortunately, I require the latter. 
> > 
> > I have a file hw.rkt with the following contents:
> > 
> > #lang racket/base
> > 
> > (provide hw) 
> > 
> > (define (hw) 
> >  (displayln "Hello, world!")) 
> > 
> > I would like to write a C program which uses an embedded Racket runtime to 
> > load and call the (hw) procedure. 
> > 
> > Resources I've found so far:
> > 
> > * 
> > http://docs.racket-lang.org/inside/embedding.html#%28part._3m_.Embedding%29
> > 
> > I have built and run the example program successfully, and thereby learned 
> > how 
> > to call a procedure provided by racket/base. I assume the same pattern 
> > applies 
> > for any library compiled with raco ctool.  My efforts to apply this 
> > knowledge 
> > to hw.rkt have so far failed me, though.
> > 
> > * http://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/c-mods.html
> > 
> > This page appears to say that what I want to do is *possible*, and tells me 
> > how to compile hw.rkt to a C file (which I have successfully done), but not 
> > how to use it afterward. 
> > 
> > I have asked this question on Stack Overflow and on Reddit, to no avail:
> > 
> > http://stackoverflow.com/q/36286921/2209270
> > 
> > https://www.reddit.com/r/Racket/comments/4ci29u/call_userprovided_racket_proced
> > ure_from_c_xpost/
> > 
> > The Stack Overflow link also includes what I've tried so far, and the error 
> > messages I've received for my efforts. 
> > 
> > An ideal answer would provide an example program in C that I could copy, 
> > compile, and run. An acceptable answer would tell me which C functions I'm 
> > supposed to use, and how to invoke them. 
> > 
> > I will appreciate any assistance you're able to render. Thank you. 
> > 
> > -- 
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Works like an absolute charm. Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it. 
I'm at once chagrined and glad to know that my error was "not quoting things 
enough". :P

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