Hey, so I’m now looking at how to set up background music in rsound with the 
ability to switch tracks. Below is the suggestion from John Clements that seems 
>> I’m guessing you’re looking for an imperative API that looks something like 
>> this:
>> (start-playing! stream sound at-time #:fade-in time-duration) => token
>> (stop-playing! stream token at-time #:fade-out time-duration)

AFAICT this isn’t already in existence in the rsound library. My impression is 
that we will need to build this on top of signals and networks — but I want to 
check that, before we pour the time into doing it.

I’m thinking signals & networks because we tried to build it using pstreams, 
and ran into a snag when trying to stop playback and switch to a new track:

;; Given a pstream bgmusic and rsounds bgsong1, bgsong2, the following 
;; occur:
> (pstream-play bgmusic bgsong1)
"sound is queued"
> (stop)
> (pstream-play bgmusic bgsong2)
"sound is queued"                ;; BUT NO SOUND PLAYS.
;; - end interactions -

So, am I correct in thinking that pstreams aren’t sufficient for what I’m 
attempting? Is there another way to stop playback, other than calling (stop)?


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