On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 11:40 AM, FERREC Romain <rom...@elgeekador.net> wrote:
> Le 09/04/2016 15:44, Robby Findler a écrit :
>> You could write a little loop to keep the functions in the keymap and
>> remove all the keybindings and then add back in the bindings you
>> wanted. That way you could avoid duplicating code?
> Ah yes it is possible, I have not seen some functions in the documentation..
> but honestly this can be improved, i'll try to work on it when I'll have
> some times.
> For now I have made this little function :
> (define (generate-keymap funcsList)
>   (define keymap (keymap:get-global))
>   (send keymap add-function "void" void)
>   (for ([(key value) (in-hash (send keymap get-map-function-table))])
>     (unless (list? (member value funcsList))
>            (send keymap map-function (symbol->string key) "void")))
>   keymap)
> It returns a keymap. "funcsList" contains list of function names from
> keymap:get-global, and keep the keybindings. Of course, it would have been
> better if we could remove the keybinding+function directly from the keymap.

Well, removing them could affect other code that uses them, so making
a copy is best.


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