Read tables sounds fun!
(or at least worth a look)

I’ll work various options through in practice, and share my thoughts
once I’ve tried debugging my input strings etc.

But thanks for the input all!

On 20/04/16 13:52, Robby Findler wrote:
> I believe the reader discards that information currently. You could
> try using read tables to recover it or suggest a patch to read to not
> discard it, I suppose.
> Good luck and I hope life continues to surprise. ;P
> Robby
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Tim Brown <> wrote:
>> [...]
>> I’m just surprised that, with Racket being touted as a programming
>> language laboratory language, nobody has had to figure out where a
>> syntax error lies within a string.

I guess I was trolling for the ;P !


Tim Brown CEng MBCS <>
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