On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 5:03 PM, George Mitwasi <mitwasi.geo...@gmail.com>

> On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 3:09:53 PM UTC-4, Jon Zeppieri wrote:
> > Maybe you're using one of the teaching languages instead of Racket
> proper? In the "Language" menu, if you select "Choose Language..." you'll
> see a dialog. It should tell you what language you're using.
> >
> Interesting. The default language is set to "The Racket Language" which
> surprisingly doesn't work. I tested my code with the other languages and
> R5RS was the winner. Thanks you sir!

That is odd. The code should certainly work in the Racket language. (The
documentation you cited is for Racket.) Maybe you don't have a `#lang` line
in your definitions window? If you're writing in Racket, the first line of
your program should be:

#lang racket

or (if you want to start with a smaller language):

#lang racket/base

If you omit the #lang line, it won't work. However, DrRacket will actually
tell you that, so you're probably experiencing some different problem.
Unfortunately, I don't know what it is. I *do* know that the sample code
you posted should work in either racket or racket/base.


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