RAI seems to be the closest to what I need to do. It has
a DSL with arrays and matrices, it generates C code,
and it even has automatic differentiation, according
to the docs. It is designed for DSP, but probably
can be extended to non-DSP programming. I should
look at it closer.

For the record: here is what I have got with RAI.

#lang racket/base
(require rai/tools

;; Something defined in Racket with a RAI macro
(define poly
  (ai-lambda-meta (x coefs)
                  ((+ ai-add)
                   (* ai-mul))
     (let ((rcoefs (reverse coefs)))
           ((acc  (car rcoefs)))
           ((coef (cdr rcoefs)))
         (+ coef (* x acc)))))))

(module test rai/stream
  ;; Here goes RAI code
  (provide test-fn test-poly test-dotproduct)

  ;; function of two variables
  (define (test-fn x y)
   (/ (sin x) y))

  ;; polynomial of one variable (Horner's rule)
  (define (test-poly x)
    (poly x (vector 4 5 6 7)))

  ;; dot product of two 3-vectors
  (define (test-dotproduct xs ys)
    (loop (i (n 3))
          ((accu 0))
          ((x xs) (y ys))
          (+ accu (* x y)))))

(require 'test)


;; symbolic derivative of test-fn w.r.t. x
> ((ai-symbolic (ai-deriv test-fn 0)) 'x 'y)

'(/ (cos x) y)

;; symbolic second derivative of test-fn w.r.t. y
> ((ai-symbolic (ai-deriv (ai-deriv test-fn 1) 1)) 'x 'y)

'(- 0 (- 0 (/ (* (sin x) (+ y y)) (* (* y y) (* y y)))))

;; test-fn in dual numbers for automatic differentiation
> ((ai-symbolic (ai-dual test-fn)) (make-dual 'x0 'dx0) (make-dual 'y0 'dy0))

(dual '(p_div (sin x0) y0) '(p_sub (p_div (p_mul (cos x0) dx0) y0) (p_div (p_mul (sin x0) dy0) (p_mul y0 y0))))

;; C code for the first derivative
> (display (ai-array-c  (ai-deriv test-fn)))

static void proc_loop (

    for (int t = 0; t < t_endx; t ++) {
        struct proc_si * restrict si = (struct proc_si *)(&state[(t^0)&1]);
        struct proc_so * restrict so = (struct proc_so *)(&state[(t^1)&1]);
        float32_t r0 = p_copy(t);
        float32_t r1 = p_copy(t_endx);
        float32_t r3 = p_copy(1.0);
        float32_t r4 = p_sub(r3,1.0);
        so->r6 = p_sub(si->r5,1.0);
        float32_t r7 = p_sin(in->x[t]);
        float32_t r8 = p_cos(in->x[t]);
        float32_t r9 = p_div(r7,in->y[t]);
        float32_t r10 = p_div(r8,in->y[t]);
        float32_t r11 = p_mul(in->y[t],in->y[t]);
        out->r12[t] = p_copy(r10);

;; C code for dual numbers (does not quite work)
> (display (ai-array-c (ai-dual test-fn)))


    struct proc_si * restrict si = (struct proc_si *)(&state[(0)&1]);
    struct proc_so * restrict so = (struct proc_so *)(&state[(1)&1]);
    for (int t = 0; t < t_endx; t ++) {
        struct proc_si * restrict si = (struct proc_si *)(&state[(t^0)&1]);
        struct proc_so * restrict so = (struct proc_so *)(&state[(t^1)&1]);
        float32_t r0 = p_copy(t);
        float32_t r1 = p_copy(t_endx);
        float32_t r3 = p_copy(1.0);
        float32_t r4 = p_sub(r3,1.0);
        so->r6 = p_sub(si->r5,1.0);
        float32_t r7 = p_sin(in->x[t]);
        float32_t r8 = p_cos(in->x[t]);
        float32_t r9 = p_div(r7,in->y[t]);
        float32_t r10 = p_mul(in->y[t],in->y[t]);
        out->r11[t] = p_copy(#(struct:dual r9 0));

;; Symbolic representation of the polynomial
> ((ai-symbolic test-poly) 't)
'(+ 4 (* t (+ 5 (* t (+ 6 (* t 7))))))

;; and its derivative
> ((ai-symbolic (ai-deriv test-poly)) 't)
'(+ (+ 5 (* t (+ 6 (* t 7)))) (* t (+ (+ 6 (* t 7)) (* t 7))))

;; and its derivative in C
> (display (ai-array-c (ai-deriv test-poly)))


    for (int t = 0; t < t_endx; t ++) {
        struct proc_si * restrict si = (struct proc_si *)(&state[(t^0)&1]);
        struct proc_so * restrict so = (struct proc_so *)(&state[(t^1)&1]);
        float32_t r0 = p_copy(t);
        float32_t r1 = p_copy(t_endx);
        float32_t r3 = p_copy(1.0);
        float32_t r4 = p_sub(r3,1.0);
        so->r6 = p_sub(si->r5,1.0);
        float32_t r7 = p_mul(param->x,7.0);
        float32_t r8 = p_add(6.0,r7);
        float32_t r9 = p_mul(param->x,r8);
        float32_t r10 = p_mul(param->x,7.0);
        float32_t r11 = p_add(r8,r10);
        float32_t r12 = p_add(5.0,r9);
        float32_t r13 = p_mul(param->x,r12);
        float32_t r14 = p_mul(param->x,r11);
        float32_t r15 = p_add(r12,r14);
        float32_t r16 = p_add(4.0,r13);
        out->r17[t] = p_copy(r15);

;; dot product in C
> (display (ai-array-c test-dotproduct))


    for (int t = 0; t < t_endx; t ++) {
        struct proc_si * restrict si = (struct proc_si *)(&state[(t^0)&1]);
        struct proc_so * restrict so = (struct proc_so *)(&state[(t^1)&1]);
        float32_t r0 = p_copy(t);
        float32_t r1 = p_copy(t_endx);
        float32_t r3 = p_copy(1.0);
        float32_t r4 = p_sub(r3,1.0);
        so->r6 = p_sub(si->r5,1.0);
        float32_t r8 = p_copy(0.0);
        for (int r7 = 0; r7 < 3; r7 ++) {
            float32_t r9 = p_copy(in->xs[r7][t]);
            float32_t r10 = p_copy(in->ys[r7][t]);
            float32_t r11 = p_mul(r9,r10);
            float32_t r12 = p_add(r8,r11);
            r8 = p_copy(r12);
        out->r13[t] = p_copy(r8);

;; symbolic dot product?
> ((ai-symbolic test-dotproduct) 'x 'y)

ai-symbolic-not-inplemented: reduce/n

;; C dot product with dual numbers?
> (display (ai-array-c (ai-dual test-dotproduct)))

ai-not-defined: for/n

Obviously RAI is currently implemented as only a DSP tool
and is not quite complete, but still promising.



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