> On May 4, 2016, at 2:20 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
> I am opposed to breaking backwards compatibility for this.
> However, one possibility would be to do the thing I suggested _iff_
> the exception is non-transparent. Then everything that works would
> keep working, and future issues like this would not arise.

I’m probably misunderstanding you, but that doesn’t sound right to me.

First, I’m imagining that you’re referring to the idea of re-raising a 
different exception that contains the original one as a field. If that’s the 
case, and if we do this for non-transparent exceptions (e.g. exn:misc:match), 
then in principle anyone who has already written a checker that checks for 
exn:misc:match failures will stop working, because these will now have been 
re-raised as exn:fail:handin-server exns.

What am I missing?


> Sam
> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 5:12 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users
> <racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> On May 4, 2016, at 12:48 PM, Eli Barzilay <e...@barzilay.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 1:14 PM, John Clements <cleme...@brinckerhoff.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> On May 4, 2016, at 9:59 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@cs.indiana.edu> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> That seems fine, but the general approach the handin-server is taking
>>>>> seems wrong to me. If it wants an exception with a different message,
>>>>> it should just create that, rather than assuming that all exception
>>>>> structures are reasonable to modify.
>>>> Well, I can certainly do both.
>>>> In general, perhaps the right solution for the handin server would be
>>>> to deliver an exn:fail:handin-server with an additional field
>>>> containing the original exception. That way, no information is lost.
>>>> The danger, of course, is that this might break code that depends on
>>>> the exception satisfying some predicate (the filesystem and network
>>>> exceptions are the ones that worry me). Perhaps Eli can comment on
>>>> this?
>>> TBH, I have no memory of this -- and looking at the code (I'm assuming
>>> it's the `reraise` bit in `wrap-evaluator`??) I'm not sure that I wrote
>>> it.
>>> [...Doing some archaeological digging...]
>>> OK, I think that the following is everything that I can say about it,
>>> and let you judge what would be the best way to re-solve it.  I think
>>> that the main thing that changed that you're talking about is Matthew's
>>> comment that "All the built-in exn structs are fully transparent,
>>> though".  Also, there's the motivation for doing this: "It's important
>>> to keep the same exception, because ...".  (And both of these might be a
>>> justification to make it transparent, or to fix it in a different way
>>> that makes the "because" thing work, and maybe make a note of the lack
>>> of transparency somewhere; I have no significant opinion about it.)
>> So, I’d say this is basically an ergonomics issue. If we change this code to 
>> raise a new exception, then it might potentially confuse a 
>> handin-server-checker-writer, who expects (e.g.) to see a 
>> ‘exn:fail:contract:variable?’ but actually gets back a 
>> ‘exn:fail:handin-server?’.  IIUC, clear documentation could resolve this.
>> Of course, this would be a breaking change for people who currently use the 
>> handin-server with such tests, but I’m generally in favor of breaking 
>> backward compatibility to make the world a better place.
>> Is this change making the world a better place?
>> John
>>> So -- assuming that function is the right place that you're talking
>>> about, I see that this is code that I committed in:
>>>> commit fd858f081c564a3c94a682aee5896bc535fd9956
>>>> Author: Eli Barzilay <e...@racket-lang.org>
>>>> Date:   2007-01-24 07:52:51 +0000
>>>>   removed the tweaker hack for a solution that creates a new exception
>>>>   svn: r5446
>>> and it removes a simple hack that uses a `current-error-message-tweaker`
>>> ("tweaker" is surely mine...) and adds instead the code that assembles a
>>> new exception.
>>> I then did some more digging in my mail, and found this email exchange
>>> between me and Matthew about this:
>>> [Eli]
>>>> For some corner of the handin server I wanted to capture exceptions,
>>>> then reraise a modified version of the exception (basically turn any
>>>> exn to one that has "<same message> while evaluating <some expr>").
>>>> It's important to keep the same exception, because some tests rely
>>>> on it (like catching an `exn:fail:contract:variable?' when testing
>>>> for a bound identifier).
>>>> Looks like `copy-struct' is not enough, because it wants a struct-id.
>>>> Is there some easy way to do that?  (I know that it's possible,
>>>> because I did similar stuff in reflecting mzscheme structs as swindle
>>>> classes, but I'm looking for a simple solution.)
>>> [Matthew]
>>>> If you have a sufficiently powerful inspector, then `struct-info'
>>>> and `struct-type-info' let you do what you want, and that's the only
>>>> possibility that I see.
>>> [Eli]
>>>> Does the code below look reasonable?  -- I'm using struct-info just
>>>> to make sure that struct->vector does return all the field values.
>>>> (I think that this code will break with auto fields, but it should
>>>> be fine with the exn hierarchy.)
>>>> (define ((make-chatty-eval eval) expr)
>>>>   (define (reraise exn)
>>>>     (raise
>>>>      (let-values ([(struct-type skipped?) (struct-info exn)])
>>>>        (if (and struct-type (not skipped?))
>>>>          (let ([vals (vector->list (struct->vector exn))])
>>>>            (apply (struct-type-make-constructor struct-type)
>>>>                   (string->immutable-string
>>>>                    (format "while evaluating ~s:\n  ~a" expr (cadr vals)))
>>>>                   (cddr vals)))
>>>>          e))))
>>>>   (with-handlers ([exn? reraise]) (eval expr)))
>>> [Matthew]
>>>> Looks fine to me.
>>>> I don't think the use of `struct-type' ensures that `struct->vector'
>>>> returns all the fields. The immediate struct could be transparentand
>>>> the next one opaque. All the built-in exn structs are fully
>>>> transparent, though.
>>> [Eli]
>>>> OK -- so I thought that a proper solution would be to check the
>>>> chain up the all the way (and just mention that in a comment in case
>>>> someone uses this code), but then I realized that there is a much
>>>> simpler way: simply define a local unique value, hand that as the
>>>> second argument to struct->vector, and make sure that the unique
>>>> value is not a memq of the result.
>>> --
>>>                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                   Eli Barzilay:
>>>                   http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!
>> --
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