On 05/11/2016 03:16 AM, Tim Brown wrote:
I found this in the documentation for syntax-class (Link to this section
@secref["stxparse-attrs" #:doc '(lib "syntax/scribblings/syntax.scrbl")]):
Consider the following code:

(define-syntax-class quark
(pattern (a b ...)))
(syntax-parse some-term
[(x (y:quark ...) ... z:quark)

The syntax class quark exports two attributes: a at depth 0 and b at
depth 1. The syntax-parse pattern has three pattern variables: x at
depth 0, y at depth 2, and z at depth 0. Since x and y are annotated
with the quark syntax class, the pattern also binds the following nested
attributes: y.a at depth 2, y.b at depth 3, z.a at depth 0, and z.b at
depth 1.

Should it be “Since y and z are annotated with the quark syntax class”?
Or am I misunderstanding something?

Yes, that's a typo. I've pushed a fix.


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