Hi all,

I noticed something weird today when playing around with typed racket (and
flirting with the idea of using it in production).

If I do something like:

-> (ann (cons 'a 1) (Pairof Any Any))
- : (Pairof Any Any)
'(a . 1)

That works as expected.  As does:

-> (define t (cons 'a 1))
-> (ann t (Pairof Any Any))
- : (Pairof Any Any)
'(a . 1)

Now, if I do

-> (ann (hash 'a 1 'b "cat") (HashTable Any Any))
- : (HashTable Any Any)
'#hash((a . 1) (b . "cat"))

That also works as expected.  Things get weird if I do:

-> (define t* (hash 'a 1 'b "cat"))
-> (ann t* (HashTable Any Any))

This gives a type mismatch error:

; readline-input:30:5: Type Checker: type mismatch
;   expected: (HashTable Any Any)
;   given: (HashTable Symbol (U String One))
;   in: t*

Am I being completely daft here?  Is there some hidden knowledge
required to use
hash tables here?

Note that the following also does not work:

-> (ann t* (HashTable Symbol (U String Integer)))
; readline-input:31:5: Type Checker: type mismatch
;   expected: (HashTable Symbol (U Integer String))
;   given: (HashTable Symbol (U String One))
;   in: t*


Matthew Eric

Matthew Eric Bassett | http://mebassett.info

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