Hi all,

I'm in the process of adding a fancy GUI on top of a proof assistant that should show the binding structure of extracted code in a manner reminiscent of DrRacket's arrows. This is especially important because the code extraction process makes use of the results of make-syntax-introducer to control shadowing.

What I would like to do is to use the macro expander to discover the actual binding structure of the high-level syntax. However, I'm not having a lot of luck in figuring out how to do this. I imagine that if I were doing this for real source code, I'd need to traverse the expanded syntax and find identifiers for which syntax-original? answers in the affirmative, and then work backwards using their source locations.

However, only small parts of the syntax objects that I'm interested in are produced by read-syntax. The interesting parts are generated programmatically from proof trees. Is there a good place to start on using the macro expander for this?

In the worst case, I can have code extractors produce an AST whose binding structure is directly apparent, use this for display purposes, and then interpret the AST as a syntax object when it comes time to run my program. But this would significantly complicate the process of implementing a logic, so I'd prefer to use what's already there.

Thanks in advance!


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