Thank you for writing the aws package.

Currently, it supports the api version 20111205.  I updated dynamo.rkt
to use the newer api 20120810.  I updated the tests as well.  I touched
only dynamo.rkt.

(*) What did I change

My needs began with create-table because the new api version changed
considerably the jsexpr they accept.  So I thought it'd be wiser to
leave the building of the jsexpr to the user.

Since creating a table is a bureaucratic jsexpr, I provided a function
to friendly create the jsexpr with the basic requirements.  If the user
decides to use more complex table creation, s/he can do so by augmenting
the result of create-table-jsexpr.

The other changes were just due to the new string "DynamoDB_20120810."

I didn't update the documentation as I don't know this will be welcome.
I don't mind doing so.  Let me know?  Thank you.

(*) Tests

%raco test dynamo.rkt 
raco test: (submod "dynamo.rkt" test)
Table status is 'CREATING', waiting for 'ACTIVE'...
6 tests passed

(*) Patch

--- dynamo.rkt.orig     2016-07-20 19:19:08.000000000 -0300
+++ dynamo.rkt  2016-07-20 19:26:55.000000000 -0300
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+         create-table-jsexpr
@@ -28,9 +29,9 @@
 (define dynamo-endpoint
-  (make-parameter (endpoint "" #t)))
+  (make-parameter (endpoint "" #t)))
 (define dynamo-region
-  (make-parameter "us-east-1"))
+  (make-parameter "us-west-2"))
 (define service "dynamodb")
 (define attribute-type/c (or/c "S" "N" "B"))
@@ -68,34 +69,37 @@
                          (check-response in h)
                          (bytes->jsexpr (read-entity/bytes in h)))))
-(define/contract (create-table name
-                               read-units
-                               write-units
-                               hash-key-name
-                               hash-key-type
-                               [range-key-name #f]
-                               [range-key-type #f])
+(define/contract (create-table-jsexpr name 
+                                      read-units 
+                                      write-units
+                                      hash-key-name 
+                                      hash-key-type 
+                                      [range-key-name #f] 
+                                      [range-key-type #f])
     exact-positive-integer? exact-positive-integer?
     string? attribute-type/c)
    (string? attribute-type/c)
    . ->* .
-  (raw (hasheq
-        'TableName name
-        'KeySchema (apply hasheq
-                          (append
-                           (list 'HashKeyElement
-                                 (hasheq 'AttributeName hash-key-name
-                                         'AttributeType hash-key-type))
-                           (if (and range-key-name range-key-type)
-                               (list 'RangeKeyElement
-                                     (hasheq 'AttributeName range-key-name
-                                             'AttributeType range-key-type))
-                               '())))
-        'ProvisionedThroughput (hasheq 'ReadCapacityUnits read-units
-                                       'WriteCapacityUnits write-units))
-       "DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable"))
+  (hasheq
+   'TableName name
+   'AttributeDefinitions (append 
+                          (list (hasheq 'AttributeName hash-key-name
+                                        'AttributeType hash-key-type))
+                          (if (and range-key-name range-key-type)
+                              (list (hasheq 'AttributeName range-key-name
+                                            'AttributeType range-key-type))
+                              '()))
+   'KeySchema (append
+               (list (hasheq 'AttributeName hash-key-name
+                             'KeyType "HASH"))
+               (if (and range-key-name range-key-type)
+                   (list (hasheq 'AttributeName range-key-name
+                                 'KeyType "RANGE"))
+                   '()))
+   'ProvisionedThroughput (hasheq 'ReadCapacityUnits read-units
+                                  'WriteCapacityUnits write-units)))
 (define/contract (delete-table name)
   (string? . -> . jsexpr?)
@@ -144,6 +148,7 @@
 (defraw query)
 (defraw scan)
 (defraw update-table)
+(defraw create-table)
@@ -154,9 +159,9 @@
      (define test (test/dynamo-table))
-     (check-not-exn (λ () (create-table test 1 1
-                                             "HashKey" "S"
-                                             "RangeKey" "S")))
+     (check-not-exn (λ () (create-table (create-table-jsexpr test 1 1
+                                                                  "id" "S"
+                                                                  "sort" 
      (check-not-exn (λ () (list-tables #:limit 10)))
      (check-not-exn (λ () (describe-table test)))
      (let loop ()
@@ -168,13 +173,13 @@
       (λ () (put-item (hasheq 'TableName test
-                                   'Item (hasheq 'HashKey (hasheq 'S "Hi")
-                                                 'RangeKey (hasheq 'S "world")
+                                   'Item (hasheq 'id (hasheq 'S "Hi")
+                                                 'sort (hasheq 'S "world")
                                                  'Foo (hasheq 'S "bar"))))))
      (sleep 2)
      (define js
        (get-item (hasheq 'TableName test
-                         'Key (hasheq 'HashKeyElement (hasheq 'S "Hi")
-                                      'RangeKeyElement (hasheq 'S "world")))))
+                         'Key (hasheq 'id (hasheq 'S "Hi")
+                                      'sort (hasheq 'S "world")))))
      (check-equal? (hash-ref (hash-ref js 'Item) 'Foo) (hasheq 'S "bar"))
      (check-not-exn (λ () (delete-table test))))))

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