On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 6:30 PM, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com>

> The best mental model I've been able to come up with is that (values)
> returns its results vertically but most functions expect to get them
> horizontally and will die if there are parallel lines of uncollected
> values. Under this model (call-with-values) collects values from the Y
> axis and pivots them back onto the X axis for consumption by regular
> functions. This feels like a fragile analogy though.  Would someone
> please fill me in on how it actually works?

When you do:

   (values ...)

in a DrRacket window, it does list the values vertically, but that's
probably not a very useful way to think about what `values` is.  You can
think of `values` as a constructor of a second-class tuple. The fact that
the resultant tuple is "second-class" is very important here. You can't
give a name to this tuple. For example,

   (define foo (values 1 2 3))

is illegal.  You can't pass it as an argument to a procedure:

   (list (values 1 2 3))

is likewise illegal. There is, in fact, very little you can do with this
tuple other than let `call-with-values` unpack it.

`call-with-values` is special (like call-with-continuation is special). Its
first argument, a zero-arity procedure, produces a values which are then
passed *as separate arguments* -- not as a second-class tuple -- to its
second argument. That's what `call-with-values` does: it translates this
second-class tuple into separate procedure arguments.

`call-with-values` is rarely used directly. It's far more common to use
`define-values` or `let-values` (or one of its variants). For example,
although you can't do:

   (define foo (values 1 2 3))

You can do:

   (define-values (a b c) (values 1 2 3))

There is one special case to keep in mind: a unary use of `values`, e.g.:

   (values 1)

is exactly equivalent to its argument. That is, (values 1) *is exactly* 1.
That's not true for any other arity of `values`. (This is also how
*first*-class tuples in ML behave.)

For my own part, I'm not a big fan of `values` and `call-with-values`.
Their use is for returning multiple values from a procedure -- which you
can also do by returning a first-class, composite piece of data, like a
vector or a list. The one advantage of second-class tuples is that, because
there's so little you can do
with them, they're easier to give optimized representations.

- Jon

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