Oh, actually comparing characters is just fine, since tabify changes
only characters, not snips.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Robby Findler
<ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> I'm not sure about the suitable configuration: that should probably
> happen via the #lang line and shouldn't be configured "from the
> outside" (we're not quite there yet, but that's where we should be
> heading, IMO).
> But for point 2, here's a script. It depends on the GUI library.
> Removing that dependency is possible, but probably a lot of work.
> Robby
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/gui/base
>          racket/port
>          racket/class
>          framework)
> (define (indented-properly? port)
>   (define-values (out1 in1) (make-pipe))
>   (define-values (out2 in2) (make-pipe))
>   (thread (λ ()
>             (copy-port port in1 in2)
>             (close-output-port in1)
>             (close-output-port in2)))
>   (define (insert-it port chan)
>     (thread
>      (λ ()
>        (define t (new racket:text%))
>        (send t insert-port port)
>        (channel-put chan t))))
>   (define c1 (make-channel))
>   (define c2 (make-channel))
>   (insert-it out1 c1)
>   (insert-it out2 c2)
>   (define t1 (channel-get c1))
>   (define t2 (channel-get c2))
>   ;; this is the important line
>   (send t1 tabify-all)
>   ;; this should really compare snips, not characters
>   (and (= (send t1 last-position)
>           (send t2 last-position))
>   (for/and ([x (in-range (send t1 last-position))])
>     (equal? (send t1 get-character x)
>             (send t2 get-character x)))))
> (define illindented-candidate
>   (string-append
>    "#lang racket\n"
>    "(define (f x)\n"
>    "x)"))
> (define well-indented-candidate
>   (string-append
>    "#lang racket\n"
>    "(define (f x)\n"
>    "  x)"))
> (indented-properly? (open-input-string illindented-candidate))
> (indented-properly? (open-input-string well-indented-candidate))
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 3:52 PM, David Christiansen
> <da...@davidchristiansen.dk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As far as I know, the standard for indentation in Racket is "Do like
>> DrRacket", after DrRacket has been suitably configured for new syntax
>> introduced by the application in question.
>> I'd like to arrange for this to be enforced by Travis. As far as I can
>> see, my building blocks for this are the following:
>> 1. A way to represent indentation specifications for new syntactic forms
>> 2. A way to invoke automatic indentation on a file without running a
>> GUI, using these specifications in addition to the default rules
>> Is there a canonical way to achieve these things?
>> Thanks!
>> /David
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