Another day, another typed racket question!

I was experimenting with memoize library in Racket and noticed that it does not 
always work with typed racket functions (or, may be I was not 'require'ing it 
properly). So I came up with this crude implementation below and it seems to be 
working for one or more arguments:

#lang typed/racket

(: memoize (All (r a ...)
                (-> (-> a ... a r)
                      (-> a ... a r))))
(define (memoize fn)
  (let ([store : (HashTable Any r) (make-hash)])
    (define (memfn . [args : a ... a])
      (hash-ref store args
                (lambda ()
                  (let ([result : r (apply fn args)])
                    (hash-set! store args result)

So the typical fibo function with this memoization function would look like:

(: fibo (-> Integer Integer))
(define fibo (memoize (lambda ([n : Integer])
                        (if (<= n 1)
                            (+ (fibo (- n 1))
                               (fibo (- n 2)))))))

However, what I wanted is to define a macro similar to define/memo like in the 
Racket memoize package. A first approach like below did not work:

(define-syntax (define-memoized stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ (fn-name:id arg:id ...) body ...+)
     #'(define fn-name (memoize (lambda (arg ...) body ...)))]))

The error comes in (<= n 1) call where it is given Any but expecting Integer. 
The problem is that the syntax splits the function definition in a lambda 
expression and then passes to memoize function, whose result is then assigned 
to the function name. The lambda expression without type annotation assumes 
that the arguments are Any. 

So in this case, is there any way we could write a macro on top of the above 
memoize that can identify the types of the underlying function and annotate the 
lambda accordingly - or is there any other way this could be achieved?


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