I’m separating a package into -lib and -test packages for the first time, and 
I’m wondering about the collection-level package files. Specifically, suppose 
that the packages foo-lib and foo-test both contribute files to the foo 
collection. Can each package contain its own foo/info.rkt file? Based on the 
existing htdp libraries and on my experiments, the answer is yes. If this 
appears in the documentation, I can’t find it. Indeed, I find this text in the 
section labeled “Package Conflicts”:

For the purposes of conflicts, a module is a file that ends in ".rkt", ".ss", 
or ".scrbl”.

Would it make sense to amend this to

For the purposes of conflicts, a module is a file that ends in ".rkt", ".ss", 
or ".scrbl” and is not “info.rkt”.


As I write this, though, I find myself wondering about info.rkt files in nested 
directories, and info.ss files, and differently named files written in the 
#lang info language. Am I missing some existing documentation?


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