Hi Scott,

I think that you're seeing a bug in the current expander's marshaling
of information for a compiled module, specifically for the
"metadata.rkt" module that supplies `racquel-namespace`.

(The bug was introduced in v6.3 with the set-of-scopes expander.
Happily, a re-implementation of the expander doesn't have the bug, but
the re-implementation isn't quite ready to replace the current

I'll fix the bug as soon as I can. Meanwhile, if you'd like a

The conflicting "lifted.0" is created in "metadata.rkt" by the contract
system's expansion of `~a`. You can work around the problem by changing

  (~a col-fld)


  (format "~a" col-fld)


At Thu, 29 Sep 2016 19:22:37 -0700 (PDT), "'brown131' via Racket Users" wrote:
> I was looking through the Racket packages the other day and noticed that 
> there 
> are errors in the Racquel package that I maintain. I the error I am seeing is 
> not very helpful:
> define-values: assignment disallowed;
>  cannot re-define a constant
>   constant: lifted.0
> The problem is that there is no constant anywhere in the code with that name. 
> I've done some reading and it appears that is may be connected to some 
> "lifted" syntax. Through a process of elemination by commenting out code, I 
> narrowed the problem to the block of code below. In particular, if I comment 
> out the data-class* definition of the stx id and replace it with a simple 
> class definition, i.e.
> "(class object% (super-new))" the error goes away. 
> My suspicion is that using the data-class* in the syntax quasi-quote is 
> somehow lifting the syntax macro to a higher run-level. But how a constant is 
> re-defined as described in all the error is beyond me.
> (define (gen-data-class con tbl-nm 
>                         #:db-system-type (dbsys-type (dbsystem-type con))
>                         #:generate-joins? (gen-joins? #t)
>                         #:generate-reverse-joins? (gen-rev-joins? #t)
>                         #:schema-name (schema-nm #f)
>                         #:inherits (base-cls 'object%)
>                         #:table-name-normalizer (tbl-nm-norm (lambda (n) 
> (table-name-normalizer n))) 
>                         #:column-name-normalizer (col-nm-norm (lambda (n) 
> (column-name-normalizer n)))
>                         #:in-name-normalizer (join-nm-norm (lambda (n (c 
> 'one-to-many)) 
> (join-name-normalizer n c))) 
>                         #:table-name-externalizer (tbl-nm-extern (lambda (n) 
> (begin n)))
>                         #:print? (prnt? #f)
>                         . rest) 
>   (let* ([schema (load-schema con schema-nm tbl-nm #:reverse-join? 
> gen-rev-joins? 
>                               #:db-system-type dbsys-type)]
>          [cls-nm (string->symbol (tbl-nm-norm tbl-nm))]
>          [pkey (find-primary-key-fields schema col-nm-norm)]
>          [jns (if (or gen-joins? gen-rev-joins?)
>                   (get-schema-joins con schema-nm schema dbsys-type 
> tbl-nm-norm join-nm-norm 
>                                     col-nm-norm) null)]
>          [auto-key (get-autoincrement-key schema dbsys-type)]
>          [stx #`(let ([#,cls-nm 
>                        (data-class* #,base-cls (data-class<%>)
>                                     (table-name #,tbl-nm #,(tbl-nm-extern 
> tbl-nm))
>                                     #,(append '(column) (get-schema-columns 
> schema col-nm-norm))
>                                     (primary-key '#,pkey #:autoincrement 
> #,auto-key)
>                                     #,(if (and gen-joins? (list? jns) (> 
> (length jns) 0)) 
>                                           (append '(join) jns) '(begin #f))
>                                     (super-new)
>                                     #,@rest)
>                        ])
>                   (get-class-metadata-object #,cls-nm)
>                   #,cls-nm)])
>     (if prnt? (syntax->datum stx) (eval-syntax stx racquel-namespace)))) 
> Here is the syntax definition for the data-class*:
> ;;; Define a data class with interfaces.
> (define-syntax (data-class* stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx 
>     [(_ base-cls:id (i-face:id ...) elem:data-class-element ...) 
>      (with-syntax ([cls-id (generate-temporary #'class-id-)]
>                    [m-data (generate-temporary #'metadata-)]
>                    [ctxt ctxt-id]
>                    [set-auto-pkey! set-auto-pkey!-id]
>                    [set-pkey! set-pkey!-id]
>                    [set-tbl-nm-m-data! set-tbl-nm-m-data!-id]
>                    [jn-fld jn-fld-id]
>                    [jn-cls jn-cls-id]
>                    [con con-id]
>                    [dbsys-type dbsys-type-id])
>        #'(let* ([ctxt null]
>                 [m-data (new data-class-metadata%)]
>                 [set-tbl-nm-m-data! (λ (tbl-nm extern-nm) (set-field! 
> table-name m-data tbl-nm) 
>                                       (set-field! external-name m-data 
> extern-nm))]
>                 [set-auto-pkey! (λ (pkey flag) (set-field! primary-key m-data 
> pkey) 
>                                   (when flag (set-field! autoincrement-key 
> m-data flag)))]
>                 [set-pkey! (λ (pkey) (set-field! primary-key m-data pkey))])
>            (unless (hash-has-key? *data-class-metadata* 'cls-id)
>              elem.meta-expr ...
>              (set-field! columns m-data (sort (append elem.col-defs ...) 
> string<? 
>                                          #:key (lambda (k) (symbol->string 
> (first k)))))
>              (set-field! joins m-data (append elem.jn-defs ...))
>              (hash-set! *data-class-metadata* 'cls-id m-data))
>            (define-member-name cls-id (get-field class-id-key m-data))
>            (define-member-name data-object-state (get-field state-key m-data))
>            (class* base-cls (data-class<%> i-face ...) 
>              elem.cls-expr ...
>              (field [cls-id #f]
>                     [data-object-state 'new])
>              (inspect #f)
>              (define/public (set-data-join! con jn-fld jn-cls)
>                (let* ([dbsys-type (dbsystem-type con)]
>                       [rows (append elem.jn-rows ...)])
>                  (map (lambda (r) (let ([obj (new jn-cls)])
>                                     (map (lambda (f v) (dynamic-set-field! f 
> obj v)) 
>                                          (get-column-ids jn-cls) 
> (vector->list 
> r))
>                                     (define-member-name data-object-state 
>                                       (get-class-metadata state-key jn-cls))
>                                     (set-field! data-object-state obj 'loaded)
>                                     obj)) rows)))
>              (define/private (base-data-class cls)
>                (let-values ([(cls-nm fld-cnt fld-nms fld-acc fld-mut sup-cls 
> skpd?) (class-info cls)])
>                  (if (data-class? cls) (if sup-cls (base-data-class sup-cls) 
> cls) cls)))            
>              (unless (get-field class (hash-ref *data-class-metadata* 
> 'cls-id))
>                (set-field! class (hash-ref *data-class-metadata* 'cls-id) 
>                            (base-data-class this%))))))]))
> Source complete can be found here 
> https://github.com/brown131/racquel/blob/master/main.rkt
> It's been a while since I've worked with this, and am admittedly a little 
> rusty on Racket syntax manipulation. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> -Scott
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