On Saturday, 1 October 2016 16:13:01 UTC+1, Ben Greenman  wrote:
> Maybe this will help:
> (struct interval (small big guesses))
> creates 5 new functions
> interval, for making intervals. For example (interval 5 10 0) creates an 
> interval from 5 to 10 that has 0 guessesinterval?, for testing if a value is 
> an interval. For example (interval? 1) is #false and (interval? (interval 0 0 
> 0)) is #trueinterval-small, to get the value of the "small" field out of an 
> interval. For example, (interval-small (interval 8 9 10)) is 8interval-big, 
> to get the value of the "big" fieldinterval-guesses, to get the value of the 
> "guesses" field
> This is all described in the Racket docs for struct
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/define-struct.html
> The value of (+ (interval-guesses w) 1) is a number 1 greater than the value 
> of the "guesses" field in the interval w.
> Notice that you give this value as the 3rd argument to a call to (interval 
> ....)

Thanks for the responses.  My confusion was with the meaning of w.  I see now 
that functions such as on-tick etc return the current state of the world.  In 
my program case the type is interval.  So on-key returns a world state, ie an 

And the bigger function takes arguments w which is the current world state.  It 
is confusing for me I think because in C (and C like languages) the function 
would be defined as:

WorldState bigger(WorldState previous_state)

The types are less explicit in lisp.

And it is now more obvious to me that in:

(define (bigger w)
  (interval (min (interval-big w) 
                 (add1 (guess w)))
            (interval-big w) (+ (interval-guesses w) 1)))

The (interval... part is a constructor ? for an interval and that is what this 
function returns - the new state of the world.

It's interesting here that there is no assignment as such.  Although big-bang 
must somehow be dealing with mutating internal state somehow.

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