On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It looks neat. I've done similar things to Eli many times as well.
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/grade-ninja -- Had the whole "give a
> free-form comment" or click a button to give the same feedback again

Yeah, I do have a GUI-kind-of thing too, hacked in Emacs...  The idea is
that I choose from a number of pre-made comment+grade entries, and it's
easy to switch them as I go from one question to the next.

> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/grade-samurai --- Expanded that with a
> Web UI for students and gave more explicit rubrics plus a self-grading
> step followed by a professor review
> Now I'm going to make a new one similar to the previous two where the
> students host their work on their own Git repos.

My main problem is getting a text file with the comments embedded in,
following a specific format.  If you get something generic enough it
would be cute.

But the main thing is that just doing the grading electronically is
pushing things in the right direction...

                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                  Eli Barzilay:
                   http://barzilay.org/                  Maze is Life!

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