On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:35 AM,  <matt...@udel.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for your detailed response!
> I do have the following additions at the top of the file:
> (add-header-line! (get-submission-timestamp))
> (add-report-line! (get-submission-timestamp))
> So would this mean there isn't an issue with back-end but rather my
> checker.rkt file?

Yeah: you cannot add header lines when the submissions are not converted
to text, because there's no functionality to modify the rich media file.
But it would be better if the checker would complain about an invalid
configuration instead of failing when the text file is not there --
which is the change that I suggested.  This way you'd get a readable
error message telling you what's wrong instead of tracking the problem

> Would it be possible to link some example handin servers on a
> github/bitbucket/or even the racket website (particularly a
> checker.rkt file)?  I think my main issue is there are alot of
> configurations that require particular details and I may miss some
> important documentation. I could help contribute a checker.rkt for my
> purposes after I get it fully working... [...]

(Unfortunately, most of your *real* issues are more high level problems
with how to handle submissions with images, how to test them, etc -- and
that's something that personally I have no experience with...)

                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                  Eli Barzilay:
                   http://barzilay.org/                  Maze is Life!

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